Chapter 10: Olympus

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"We should go to Olympus." Hecate told them after they gathered their bags. "I have little doubt that Zeus would like to talk to you about what has happened."

"Okay but how are we going to get their?" Edmond asked.

"You're forgetting who you are talking to." She sprayed them in a cloud of gold and when it at cleared they were on mount Olympus. Lilith looked around in amazement, she could hardly believe that it was real. "Let's hurry. It's best that we do not keep Zeus waiting."

They hurried down the path toward the throne room. Her heart was in the throat. She didn't know what she was going to say to Zeus or what he was going to do. For all she knew he could be angry with her. She looked at Edmond and Harris but they also seemed to be nervous, though Edmond seemed to be less so. She noticed when they finally managed to get to the throne room that Hecate was not with them but next to Zeus. The two were talking about something but what she did not know.

Zeus turned to them. "Ah there they are the heroes who saved Hecate from her prison. Lilith Holler, Harris Celven, and Edmond Bard. Hecate thanks you for saving her. Know she has told me an interesting story. She tells me that there was Giant that you had to fight."

"Yes there was Lord Zeus." Harris replied, looking a little braver now. "I couldn't tell which giant it was though. However I think the giant may still be alive considering what happened when Hecate and Lilith fought the giant."

"And what happened?" A woman with grey eyes asked him. Harris seemed to loss confidence and she noticed this. "There is no need to be afraid my child."

"The giant burst into flames." He said braver. "And of course monsters can do that if they are most powerful."

"It is possible." Athena agreed.

"I'll have you look into it Athena." Zeus told her. And with a nod Athena got up from her throne and walked off towards her chariot. Once she had gone from site Zeus turned his attention on them. "Thank you for stopping this evil. You will be well rewarded and I think that Camp Half-blood will be preparing you a feast. Now it is time that I send you home."

"Lord Zeus." Hecate interjected. "I would like to speak to my daughter."

"Of course." Zeus pointed his fingers at Harris and Edmond and they disappeared in a storm of lightning. The rest of the gods started to get up and walk away. Hecate came over to her.

"Lilith, I can't thank you enough about saving me."

"I was happy to help. Without you the mortals would go into panic it was the least I could do. And thanks for the jacket."

"Of course dear it's the least I could give you."

Lilith nodded and something else was bugging her. "Mom, The first day at camp I meet Hestia and she seemed to know you and a lot about me. Are you two friends? Is that why she knew about me?"

"Well," Hecate replied slowly, "we are friends but that's not how she knew you Lilith. She was there when I gave birth to you. She happened to like you very much and she gave you a gift. That's why you're good with fire magic Lilith because she gave you that ability."

"Wow I never knew that. I just thought ever one could do it."

Hecate shook her head. "Just promise me that you won't tell anyone Lilith. No one will be happy about it."

"I promise."

"Well then it's time that you go home." She snapped her fingers and there was a shower of gold sparks and the next thing Lilith was at Camp Half-blood in the Hecate Cabin. Then there was a burst of the door and Lilith's half-siblings, led by Lou Ellen, came running over to her and hugged her.

"You did it!" Lou Ellen screamed. "The whole camp is planing a banquet for to night!"

"For real?" She asked as she finally managed to pushed them off of her.

"Yeah come on Chiron wants to talk to you." Lou Ellen said and grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the cabin.

That night the fire was burning bright and everyone was having a good time. Lilith got crowned with a laurel wreath that had lilacs in them.  Edmond got roses in his which Lilith teased him for it. Harris got olive wreaths in his and they got the first to the feast. For some reason the head of the Aphrodite cabin was unhappy about this and she even tried to ruin it by sending some people to destroy the wreaths.

"She's just jealous." Edmond told her when she asked him why she wasn't happy. "Drew has always been a person that wants all the attention. She'll get over it at some point and act like this never happened."

"Well can't you challenge her for head of cabin?"

"I could but I would fail. She can charm speak and make people do what she wants. It's a rare gift for a child of Aphrodite to have."

"Oh I see." Lilith said. As she looked closer Edmond looked cute in the light of the fire. Just before she could say so Edmond was dragged away but one of his friends. Lou Ellen came over to her.

"You okay Lilith?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"So you've taken a fancy to a child of Aphrodite?" her sister asked. She replied with a nod of the head. "Be careful, those kids have been known to brake hearts."

"I'll be careful." Lilith promised. And she took a drink of soda from her cup and smiled at her sister.

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