Chapter 3: Camp Half-blood

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Lilith Holler woke up in what looked like a cabin. Next to her bed on the right was other occupants that looked like they and bad inguries. On the Left was the girl what was by the gate when she and Kevin arrived. "Glade to see that you're awake." She said.

"Who are-" But Lilith started to cough painfully. When the coughing stopped The girl handed her a glass of something.

"Drink this slowly." she ordered.

Lilith took a sip. It tasted like her favorite kind of ice cream: Strawberry. Slowly drinking it she could feel her strength return to her. When she was half way done she felt as good as if she had never gotten hurt in the first place. "What is this stuff?" She asked the girl.

"Nectar." She replied in a matter of fact voice.

"Nectar," Lilith repeated in a thinking tone. "As in nectar of the Greek gods?"

"Yep that's it."

"So I'm a demigod?"

The girl nodded. "Yep that means that either your mom or your dad is a god. So which parent do you not have?"

"My mom." Lilith replied getting out of bed. "So who's your godly parent?"

"Athena. I'm the head of the cabin."

"I see." Lilith replied. "So what's your name?"

"Annabeth. Annabeth Chase." She said ans she stood up from her chair. "Do you want me to show you around the camp?"

"Sure. It's better then being here with nothing to do."

"Over there are the cabins." Annabeth explained from up the hill. "Over here we have the strawberry feilds. It's how we're able to pay for everything around here."

"And they stay ripe all year long?"

"Yep thanks to the help of the Demeter Cabin and Dionysus cabin. And the help of the Satyrs and Mr. D."

"Mr. D?"

"Dyonessis, the god of wine, is our camp Director as punishment of Zeus." she explained.

"Oh." Lilith looked back towards the cabins. "So one of these will be the one I live in?"

"Yep, Your godly parent should have claimed you by now but no worries they could just be busy."

"Why do you think that they're going to claim me right away?" Lilith wondered. If the Gods were busy wouldn't they not focus on her?

"Percy, my boy friend asked them to do that so that was we wouldn't have another war like we did a few months ago." Annabeth explained in a heavy voice.

"Hey Annabeth!" someone called from behind.

"Hey Clarisse." Annabeth told the mean looking girl. "What do you need?"

"I now that you are busy so I was wondering if I could help you." Clarisse stopped when she saw Lilith. "Who's this."

"I'm Lilith Holler."

"New demigod?"


"Have you been claimed?"

"Not yet but I'm sure her mother could be taking her time. Besides she was in the healer cabin for almost a day." Annabeth told her. "Anyway, you could but I should show Lilith around camp."

"Well we can both show her around the camp."

"Yeah sure." Lilith said before Annabeth could reply.

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