Chapter 9: The Goddess of Darkness

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Lillith was in the same room she had been the last time she dreamed. Hecate was still in chains and the same shadow as before was there. "Time's running out for you goddess. Soon you will be no more." The shadow let out a laugh.

The shadow of the person left the room. Lilith wanted to run and free her mother but her legs wouldn't work. Hecate turned and looked at her. "Hurry." she told her in an urgent voice. Before Lilith could reply she was pulled away. The next thing she knew she was awake at their campsite.

"You okay Lilith?" Edmond asked her and he was making breakfast.

"Yeah I'm a lot better than Hecate is." She then proceeded to tell her teammates about the dream she had.

"This is bad. If Hecate falls that means the mist stops working." Harris  replied in a small voice.

"What happens when the mist falls?" Lilith asked him.

"Well, the monsters will be able to see more but that means that everyone can see them not just demigods and saytors. And camp will no longer be safe, the magical protections will be destroyed. And your siblings will not be able to manipulate the mist."

"Yeah that's bad." Edmond agreed. "But how do we get to Washington. We don't have the money to afford another trip."

"Lilith could mist travel."

"I've only been able to do it short distances and I've only done one person. I couldn't bring all of you with me."

"Okay so now what do we do?"

"We could steal a car." Lilith muttered.

"That would be wrong Lilith."

"If its between braking the law and saving my mother the I'm choosing the later."

"Fine." Harris muttered after Lilith glared at the two of them. "Let's go steal a car then."

They stole and white car which Harris managed to haywire after a few moments. None of them knew how to drive yet so they were driving crazily. Lilith had to use the mist a few times to show them a divers license. Finally the last time they got pulled over she told the cop that if he wanted to take them to Washington then he could. Which of course the officer declined and then drove away.

Lilith went to sleep for the rest of the trip and was surprised to find out that they arrived at Washington. Then she felt something warm glowing against her chest. She opened her jacket and saw it in a shape of a key. She pulled out the neckless.

"It's leading us to Hecate."

Lilith got out of the car and followed where it was going. Harris and Edmond followed her looking confused.

"Where did you get that necklace?" Harris asked her.

"Hestia gave it to me the first day I was at Camp Half-blood." She explained as she continued to follow the pulling.

"Why didn't you tell us this?"

"I didn't think it was important. Now I see that I was wrong."

They had come to the door to an abandon where house. The key stopped glowing. She looked at her friends and could tell that they were thinking the same thing she was. She pulled out her arrows and shot the door open. Notching another arrow on the bow string she walked in with the arrow pulled back. He friends followed after her with their swords out.

Harris tapped her shoulder gently and pointed at another door. She nodded and headed towards the door and pushed it open. She then saw Hecate chained up and a women getting ready what looked like potions of some kind. The person behind her was a "Giant" Harris breathed.

Lilith sneaked down in the stairs and hid behind a crate. Harris and Edmond did the same, though Edmond almost fell down the stairs, once they were behind and out of sight she turned to Harris. "Okay how do we defeat a Giant?" She whispered.

"Well that's the problem, we can't."

"What?" Edmond asked louder than he should have. That probably would have been the end of them if it hadn't been for the fact that the giant had just spoken at the same time. "Why isn't it ready?" Lilith had to hold in a gasp for it was the same voice in her dreams.

"These things take time but I'm almost done with it." the woman replied.

The woman continued to work on the potion and the giant turned away. Harris glared at Edmond for a moment before he replied. "Only demigods and gods working together can kill a giant."

"So we have to free Hecate then."

"Okay but how do we do that?"

"Can you guys keep them off of me long enough to free her?" Lilith asked them.

"Yeah." they said.

"Good then let's do it."

Harris and Edmond jumped out from behind the crates and ran at the monsters. And Began to fight them. Lilith slung the bow on her shoulder and put the arrow back in her quiver and ran over to Hecate. The Woman was shouting at the monsters telling them to fight harder.

"L-lilith?" the goddess asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah mom it's me. I'm going to get you out of here."

"You can only free me with your power Lilith."

"Then that's what I'm going to do."

"But it could kill you."

"It's a risk I have to take." She told her and before she could protest she continued. "If you fade it will be the end to all demigods. I'm not going to let that happen."

Hecate nodded. Lilith took off the key and focused her power into it imagining it to be a real key. The key transformed into a glowing light and turned into a key big enough for her to unlock the chains. She put the key into the hole and turned in it. Once it feel she turned the other one. Lilith felt a little dizzy but managed to stay on her feet.

"Here Lilith let me help you." Hecate handed her a treat and she took it quickly and ate it quickly. The dizziness was gone. "Now then let's-"

"Lilith Holler!" the giant shouted. "So nice of you to join us! Now tell you demigod friends to put down your weapons and stand down and they will live."

"Or I can just kill you." Hecate told him. "I'm not trapped anymore."

"You can't kill me only a-"

"There are three demigods here right now." she pointed out and turned to Lilith. "Let's end him shall we?"

Lilith nodded and pulled out her bow and started shooting at the giant. Her friends continued the fight. Hecate was throwing magic all over the place and destroyed a lot of the monsters in the processed. The giant was starting to bled iccor, the blood of the gods. Hecate let out a smile and through a last blast of magic and the giant bursed into flames and sent everything backwords including Lilith's friends.

Edmond hit his head and Harris bumped into some crates. Lilith and Harris ran over to Edmond. He was out cold and appeared to be dieing. "Edmond wake up!" She shouted.

With a gasp he woke up and looked around the room wildly. "What happened?" he asked.

Lilith couldn't help but let out a laugh.

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