Way Too Many Hugs

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Emma's P.O.V

After Math, the whole day was kind of on a fast-foward mode, until Andi and Jax came over. At first, Andi came over faster than Jax so I can tell her that I invited him and soon enough he came.

"Hey Emma" he said and I gestured him to go towards the couch. "So, anything you've got planned for tonight?"

After hearing his question, I mentally replied no. I didn't know beforehand that he was going to come and today was supposed to be a sleepover just with me and Andi.

"Well, I didn't really know that you were going to come so, movies and pizza?" I said, with a lack of confidence.

"Okay, sounds great", he replied as he smiled and stared at the television. 'Sounds great'? That was a lie.

I joined Andi on the couch and we just basically watched T.V until we got hungry.

"Are you seriously going to order food?" Jax asked. "Yea, if you want food from outside, you order it, am I right?" I sarcastically replied back. He nodded. "Yea, that or this" and he moved his hands (you know when casting a spell-- in that circular motion) and 2 boxes of pizza appeared. "Yea, or you could do that too" I slightly groaned. I really wanted today to be a magic-free night.

"What? No thanks?" Jax asked, with an innocent face. "Thanks" I said, trying my best not to sound annoying.

I sat back down next to Andi on the couch. "Emma, I have to put my stuff in your room, be right back" Andi said as she started to leave. I nodded. Then, Jax got up and sat next to me.

"How are you Emma?" he asked as if he is dying to know. "Well, I am fine?", I replied, clearly annoyed.

"Why do you have that annoyed tone on?" Jax asked. "I don't know, maybe because its of your questions?" I said.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't know, if you don't want to talk about it-" I cut him off.

"No, I don't want you to say sorry, I mean rather not talk about Daniel. Actually, I don't even know what's going on" I was on the verge of breaking down into tears.

I missed Daniel, a lot. I don't know what to even do now.

"I am sorry, Emma. Here rest on my shoulder" he quietly whispered to me and I leaned in. I rested on his shoulder and it felt...relaxing. Jax put his arm around me and I wanted to move it at first but it got comforting.

"Emma, I --was I interrupting in something?" I heard Andi's voice and quickly jumped. "Um, no not at all!", I am really bad at lying. She nodded an 'okay, sure' and then I saw Jax ready to leave.

"Jax? Are you leaving?" I asked. "Yea, but I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Emma" he leaned in for a hug and I hesitated but I had to give in. It was a really nice and warm hug.

"I'll walk you to the door" I said, all of a sudden. Walk him to the door? What even..? We walked together and I could see Andi, clueless and heading towards the couch, looking back at us.

"Why are you leaving so early? Anything wrong?" I asked in my quietest voice as he waited on the doorstep.

"No, I thought that you and Andi should spend today for yourselves. You know, it gets kind of awkward" he laughed a little.

"I'm sorry, I really-" he cut me off by giving me another hug, much tigther and warmer than the one before.

"Its okay, see you" he gave a big smile and I returned a smile too.

He started to walk away and I closed the door. I went back to the couch. "What was that about?" Andi asked me, I could tell she was really curious. "Leaving? Jax left through the door and we hugged?" I tried to play it off. "No, well that too but the you in his arms and leaned against him. Emma, tell me honestly, do you like him?" she asked.

"What? No? I like Daniel! You know that" I said. "But I guess he does not like me back" I mumbled.

"What if he did? Maybe he still did? He broke up because you didn't tell him about your powers." she said and then continued to say something else, seeing the sad look on my face. "It doesn't matter now. At least you still have your powers." I nodded and faked a smile.

The rest of the night was fun and we slept at 12 and woke up at 7:30 for school, which was pretty well really late, in my case. I saw Andi get ready in a few seconds but I was taking more time than usual. I needed magic for this. Since I can't keep my arms straight and steady, get me in my uniform all ready! I looked down, okay I am good.

Me and Andi left for school and we departed as we each went to our own lockers. Standing at my locker was Jax. I couldn't control the smile on my face and waved at him immediately. He smiled and waved back as I approached him.

"Hey Emma, I was wondering if you would like to meet up at the Seven?" he asked and without hesitation I nodded.

Jax P.O.V

After hearing her saying, I mentally congratulated myself on the success at a second shot.

"Lovely, today after school?" I asked.

"Yea, it should be fun!" she replied.

"Okay, I'll see after eigth period at your locker and we'll go together?" I asked, hoping for a yes.

"Of course" she smiled and suddenly she grabbed me and hugged me. She hugged me tightly and I did the same and she also closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she let go. Then, I saw Daniel walk past us. Is that why she hugged me? To make him jealous? I thought she actually wanted to hug me.

"You hugged me because you wanted to make Daniel jealous?" I tried to come off as cool as possible.

"No, I thought you were going to hug me so I went ahead anyways" I nodded an appeoval to her words but for some reason I couldn't trust them entirely. "See you Jax!" she smiled and walked away in a hurry.

I wish she would hug me because she wanted to. Maybe she did? I should believe what she said. Should I?

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