A Creep In The Deep

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Sonic laughed as he raced with Knuckles, Amy, Sally and Tails on their new water skiers that Tails had just invented. It had been a month since they had seen or heard from Maria Robotnik but they heard rumours that she was still snooping around, causing them all to be on edge.

She had even tried to tell people that Sonic was a sae fae, but without any evidence and she believing that he had erased any sea fae DNA from his system, she lost her reputation and her job.

Sonic kinda felt bad for her but he was relieved that no one believed her.

It wasn't until earlier that morning that Sonic decided he had had enough of all the horrid tension and fear and that they all needed to blow off steam and have some fun on the waves. His friends were worried that someone would see him but he just brushed it off.

As they tore through the surface Sonic swam effortlessly down below, enjoying the water around him.

He really needed this. He loved the colourful reefs all around him as well as the beautiful fish swimming laughed as he thought about when he was younger and he when he was terrified of deep water and yet now, here he was swimming in the ocean like he had been doing it all his life.

But he was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a terrifying scream of fear above him.

He looked up and saw that his friends had stopped the boats and saw a large, hungry bull shark circling them!

He quickly went up to save them from the hungry beast. As soon as the shark saw him it charged at him with it's giant jaws opened wide for it's next easy meal. Sonic smirked as he calmly waited until the very last second before moving out the way and laughed as the shark swam right into the sandy ocean floor.

He quickly swam up to the surface to make sure his friends were alright.

He smiled when he saw that although they were badly shaken up the were unharmed. Knuckles was angrily looking around for the bloodthirsty ocean devil whereas Amy and Tails were noticeably shaking in fear. Sally was the worst of them. Her last experience with sharks during the film contest had left her traumatised.

He was about to tell them to head back to shore when he felt an excruciating pain in his tail.

As he screamed in complete agony he looked down and saw the shark biting just below his waist with it's razor teeth! His friends starting screaming in fear as the deadly bull shark started violently ragging him around and the water around them turned a sickening crimson red from is blood. Knuckles looked ready to jump in to save his blue friend, but he wasn't stupid.

He knew that if he jumped into the firing line then he'd be shark dinner too.

He and the others could only watch in horror as Sonic cried out in pain. The monster shark suddenly threw the bleeding blue hedgehog up into the air before jumping up at him with it's mouth wide open again, knocking the Mobians off their little boats. Seconds before Sonic landed in the hungry shark's jaws, however, they were all suddenly surrounded in a strange aqua coloured aura that froze them all in place.

The shark was suddenly thrown into the far distance before it vanished over the horizon.

Before Sonic could see who was responsible he body suddenly felt heavy and icy cold before everything went black...


The first thing Sonic notice when he returned from the thick fogs of unconsciousness was that he was surrounded in cold. But it was a strange type cold; a kind of warm, comforting kind of cold that eased his nerves slightly. When he finally opened his eyes he saw nothing but a bright, aqua blue glow blinding him.

A Merhog's Tale: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now