The Prophet

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A couple of miles outside of the city, a building with a long tunnel entrance floated with the ocean's current, but always stayed by Atlantica. Inside lived was a very well known female sea fae.

The city's prophet.

She was a hedgehog with shining violet eyes, silvery white fur and her long quills were tied back and fashioned like hair with a sea holly hair pin. She wore a purple, glittering tube top, a silver belt with a pink gemstone in the middle and a pair of pearl earrings.

Her tail was a light lavender colour with white fins.

She was alone in the room as she filed her polished, cat claw-like nails. A throat was cleared and the mermaid looked towards the door to see Shadow.

"Sapphire." He greeted with a cold, stoic voice. "Her royal majesty seeks guidance about the future." He said and the doors swung open and Bernadette waltzed inside and sat down in her usual chair in front of the seer.

"Tell me dear, tell me that I will rule over Atlantica forever." She smiled as Sapphire swam over to her and started styling the queen's quills. The seer rolled her eyes at the queen's obnoxious behaviour.

"Has it really only been one day already?" She smirked. It took all of Bernadette's willpower not to suck her into a whirlpool.

"Just do it!" She snarled and Sapphire sighed before focusing her power.

"The merillia is weak." She said in a monotone voice as a faint white blue colour surrounded her. "Without a change you will poison not only Atlantica but all of the Seven Seas."

"Yes, yes, I know. I told you I'm working on that." The queen said, a bit annoyed.

"You won't have time, Aleena's son has become of age."

"WHAT!" Bernadette screamed as she leapt out of her chair. Shadow wisely stayed silent by the door.

"Aleena's son is coming for you."

"Aleena has no son." She said firmly.

"There is a son." Sapphire replied. "A son who can destroy you."

"Well," She stammered. "Then I will destroy the son first. Where can I find him?" She snarled as she towered over Sapphire. The magic glow left the seer and the ivory merhog waved a hand in front of her face.

"You need a breath mint." She gagged.


"Now Bernadette." She soothed with giggle. "You know that two much predicting is bad for me. I get headaches and all that good stuff."

"Ah!" The queen cried out in frustration. Shadow went to open the door for the enraged queen

"Mark my words, I WILL DESTROY ALEENA'S SON!"...


Meanwhile, Sonic followed Silver as the group swam to the Seer's Hall. Sonic was a little nervous about meeting her and felt like everyone around them were staring at him as he swam by.

"You'll love my Mom." Silver said when he saw how nervous Sonic was. "She's so understanding of everyone."

"But she can be a little blunt." Manic added.

"She can't be blunter than my friend Knuckles." He replied with a faint laugh. "You would think 'Blunt' is his middle name."

"-I WILL DESTROY ALEENA'S SON!" A voice was heard shouting from the other side of the door they were swimming to and they could make out one or two shadows through the murky glass coming straight at them and fast.

A Merhog's Tale: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now