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"It's huge!" Sonic gasped as the two dropped to lie on a sandbank.

"Of course it is." Silver laughed giggled. "We've lived down here for hundreds of years, as the population grows so does the city."

"You've got me there." He said as he shrugged his shoulders as they slowly moved to the city.

"Come on, we need to get you a disguise."

"A disguise?" He questioned.

"Yeah." Silver smiled as glanced over at the blue furred teen. "All sea fae wear some types of jewellery and/or clothes; if we don't, you'll stick out like a two-headed shark. Bernadette mustn't find out you're here. She would freak. Follow me carefully and make sure to keep out of sight."

"Okay." Sonic sighed as he sped up to keep up with the other sea fae.

As they swam thru the city, Sonic got a closer look at the buildings. It looked like a mix of a modern city and ancient Greece. The buildings architect was ancient Greek style, but they were skyscraper tall in a modern sense. There were homes, stores, restaurants and many other things that simply reminded Sonic of home.

There were even signs that reminded him of the neon sign outside of the juice bar where he and his friends would hang out. As they hid behind a sign, Sonic got a good look at all the sea fae living there and saw that they all came many in different species, colours and sizes.

"That's where we'll get you a disguise." Silver said as they looked across the street to some kind of clothes store.

"I still can't believe this is all real." He muttered as the two started off again, Silver making sure his body blocked Sonic from the view of others. As they reached the end of a group of potted plants, Sonic ducked back when he heard a girl talking on her shell phone.

"There were five colours, I couldn't decide which one to get, so I bought them all." She giggled and Sonic rolled his eyes. This place really is like home, giggling girls and all. Once the coast was clear, Sonic used his speed and quickly swam across the street. Safely hidden behind another board Sonic and Silver peaked over to see some female sea faes exit a shop.

"I bought this, but does it clash with my scales?" One said, holding up her recent purchase.

"Kind of, can I borrow it?" Her friend asked.

"Sure." She smiled and as the two moved down the busy, under water street, Sonic got a good look at the store they were going to: Blooming Tails.

Suddenly a loud horn blasted though the town.

"The Queen Festival!" Someone shouted.

"It's time for the Queen Festival." Another called out.

"What's going on?" Sonic asked Silver as everyone around them swam around in a panicked frenzy.

"We need to get you inside." Silver replied with a worried look.

Moving quickly, the two swam into the Blooming Tails store and out of sight. Peeking out of one of the windows, the two merhogs watched as a procession entered the town. A bunch of manta sharks were guarding a reclining chariot that was being pulled by large purple jellyfish. In the chariot was a female sea fae.

It was Queen Bernadette.

She had purple/blue fur with a peach muzzle, arms and chest. She also had a small tuff of sunshine blonde hair on her head and bright blue eyes. Her tail had amethyst scales and midnight black fins. She wore a light lavender dress, gold jewellery and a gold crown on top of her head. Floating next to her was another hedgehog in black armour.

A Merhog's Tale: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now