Staying Away

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Chapter 36

Zayn just kissed me… And I kissed him back… Paparazzi caught us… Here we go again with the drama this is going to cause… We luckily got out immediately and went back to the flat. We stopped in the driveway, and stayed inside the car for a while.

“I better go, and sort out things with Harry” I broke the awkward silence. He nodded

“Yeah” He said then took a deep breath

“I’ve always loved you Kayla… And when you need someone to talk to, I’ll always be here for you…” He continued. I gave him a small smile, before kissing his cheek.

We entered the flat and everyone was sitting on the couch, with their eyes focused on the tellie, I sat beside Louis and he put his arm around my shoulder.

Just in! Harry Styles apparently got someone pregnant according to a fan. Zayn Malik caught kissing Harry’s girlfriend just minutes ago. Uh-oh. Could this be the reasons 1D will go byebye?” The reporter in the tellie said. Harry faced me before getting up and pacing up to his room.

“Is this true?” Louis asked. I nodded

“It’s better if I stay away for a while.” I said

“Where will you go?” Niall asked. I shrugged

“I’ll find another apartment” I replied.

“No! You can stay.” Liam protested. I shook my head

“I can’t Liam, I’m the reason why everything is falling apart. I don’t want One Direction to be over. You’re 5 best mates, and I can’t let anything tear you guys apart.” I said. They all frowned.

“Promise us you’ll call every single day” Zayn said.

“I promise” I gave him a small smile.

I went upstairs to start packing. Louis asked El if I could stay with her for a while until I get my own apartment, and luckily, she’s more than happy to have me stay with her. After I was done packing, Louis dropped me off to Eleanor’s flat.

“I’ll miss you couz” He engulfed me in a big hug. I got a little teary.

“I’ll miss you more Lou” I said before pulling away.

“Take care of her, okay? Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.” Louis joked. Eleanor chuckled as she hugged Louis and said goodbye.

El gave me a tour of the flat, and helped me unpack my stuff. But, whatever I do, I couldn’t get Harry out of my mind. I thought I liked Zayn now, but Harry’s so hard to forget. Even though he did that mistake, my love for him remained. The only thing I could do now, is stay away from him, because it’s for the best. I don’t want him to lose his job, and I most certainly don’t want him to lose his friends too. I just wish he would forget about me now, so that everything will be alright. Crazy right? But, when you need to forget someone for everything to alright, you just have to do it. Cause if you don’t, nothing’s going to happen. Or, your life will be damn miserable for not having that certain person with you right now.

A/N: Until chapter 39 only. (: Continue reading love! x

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