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Used To Be Scared Of The Ocean,
Cause I Didn't Know How To

Zacharay H~

It was a beautiful morning like always in Los Angeles. I wasn't planing on doing anything today so I decided I should take a stroll around the beach.

Helps me clear my mind sometimes with all these overwhelming thoughts. I don't really intend to get in the water since I'm terrified of it. Well- I'm terrified of oceans. You never know what can pop out and bite you in the ass while swimming.

I grab my camera and glasses and head out to the beach. It's only about a 10 minute walk for me.

Once I finally arrive, I place my leather jacket on the sand so I wouldn't get my behind dirty while sitting down. I would say it was around 6 a.m so there wasn't much people around. Maybe a small little family and some suffers but that's all.

I would go out in the water and swim, but the thing is I can't swim. I mean- I tried once but nearly died.

I took some aesthetic pictures of the ocean with my camera and smiled in satisfaction with how it looks. I've always wanted to be a singer growing up.  I wanted to be like Shawn Mendes or Charlie Puth. They where amazing singers and still are.

But that all changed once I turned 15. My parents bought be an expensive camera for my birthday. They said I could capture "amazing moments in life" with it. So I ended up taking a lot if aesthetic pictures with it.

I do a variety of stuff with my camera now. I take pictures of models, nature, and all that stuff.

I finally got up from the sand and dusted off my leather jacket and tied it around my waste. I put my black glasses on- which makes me look much more of a geek than I already am.

I pass by a group of boys who are playing volley ball and the ball comes rolling towards me.

"Hey, can you pass that to us!?" I voice says and I look up to see a boy with insanely curly hair.

"Oh-uh.. Yeah." I manage to say and throw the ball back to them.

"Thanks bro! Oh and nice glasses." The curly headed boy said which made me smile a slightly blush.

"You're welcome, and thanks!" I say back turning around and walking back to my house.

Oh! Another feature about me- I'm openly Bisexual.

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