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Don't Know What You Did
To Me, I Can't Breath-
But I'm
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Zachary H~

The rest of my day was just Jack and I texting back and forth. Which I enjoyed very much. We FaceTimed for half and hour before he had to go, since he was in fact, tired.

Minutes turned into hours, hours into days, and days into weeks.

I'd say it's been 3 weeks since I've met Jack and I feel l've created a special bond with him.

Cody has gotten a lot better since the breakup, and he's doing amazing.

It's currently Monday, so which means a lot of people won't be at the beach today.

I grab my camera, glasses, and put on a chill outfit since it's hot outside.

"Hey Cody, I'm off to the beach! I'll be back in a few!" I yell out to him since he's in his room.

"Okay! Be careful Zachary!" I hear him respond and I walk through the door, making sure to lock it,

I head towards the lobby and great the newest person who is in charge... Who- I can't believe this- Jack's friend, Jonah, at least I think that's his name...

"Hey- Jonah right?" I say walking over to him with a small smile tugging on my lips.

"Yep, that's me! You're Zach, right? Jack's little nerdy boyfriend." Jonah says with a very off smirk.

"Uhh yeah." I respond feeling a little uncomfortable now. "Great to know." He says eyeing me creepily.

"Well I'm going now... Bye." I say getting away from him as soon as possible.

Why are his friends so weird- but I can't blame him- I have a few-

My thoughts where cut off by a car honking at him.

"Get in the car bitchhhh!!!" I hear a familiar voice say, wait a moment, Harry!?

"Harry is that you?!" I say going over to the drivers seat.

"The one and only babe, now where are you going?" Harry says looking at me happily.

Harry has been my friend ever since fifth grade. He moved a few years back to Texas, but now he's here... in LA!?

"To the beach, and what are you doing here Mr. Styles?" I ask him quickly cause he is literally on the side of the road.

"I'm visiting for a while. For old time sakes. Can I come with you?" He asks with a face that says "hey dude I've missed you but can I mess with you for a bit". I know- very confusing.

"Uhm Sure! Hurry up and park so we can go." I say standing towards the side of this building to wait for him.

He nods and drives off probably to look for a parking spot.

"Zach?" I turn over and see Jack walking towards me with a smile. Ah shit- here comes the hotness.

"Hey Jacky!" I say going over to hug him. May I just say- his hugs are the best!

"Heading to the beach I see." Jack states looking at me up and down and smiling in a friendly manner.

"Yup, want to come with? My friend Harry is coming as well." I offer Jack. I really just want to spend time with him if I'm honest.

"I'd love too!" Jack says. Just as I'm about to say something, Harry walks up behind us and greets Jack.

"Hey, I'm Harry, Harry Styles... Zachary's childhood friend." Harry introduces without a second thought.

"I'm Jack Avery, Zach's soon to be husband." Jack says smirking at me. WHY DID HE- h-holllllyyyyyy- AAAAAAAAAA- JACK!

My face start to feel like fire and I look away trying to ignore it.

"So you're a Herron boy? Nice to know."

Now I can't breath! WHY CAN'T I BREATH! AAAAAA HOW AM I LIVING!? FUDGE! Hooo Jesus Jack... if I die, it's because of you.

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