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I Heard Your Sirens Call,
It Was

Zachary H~

"Oh-um Yeah I need some help..." I said looking into the boy's eyes as he nodded smiling. "So, why did he pass out?" He asked grabbing Cody and putting him on his back.

"He just drank to much." I said simply still slightly dizzy. "Makes sense. Which floor do you live on?" The curly headed boy asked getting into the elevator.

"Top floor." I replied standing next to him. It got sorta awkward so I just fiddled with my fingers till the elevator stopped.

We both walked out and I opended the doors to the condo. "Woah..." I heard the boy say behind me. "Woah indeed." I said slightly chuckling. "You can put my friend down on the couch. He will wake up eventually." He nods and does what I told him to do.

"So you live here alone?" He asks sitting on the couch across from me. "Sorta. I live with that idiot. But he has a girlfriend so he doesn't sleep here that much, or spends anytime here." I confess as I look at the boy.

He looks much more cuter up close. Wonder how he would look with glasses on... Pffft he would look adorable.

I could feel the tension in the air. It didn't feel comfortable one bit. "So uhhh- I think I'll head out now." The curly headed boy said getting up.

"Okay. Well thanks for helping!" I say quickly as he reaches for the door handle.

"Anytime bro. And here-" he walks back over to me and hands me a piece of paper. "Text me some time." He says as I grab the paper and look at him.

He looks slightly guilty or sad? Maybe a little hint of sorry? I don't know. I'm not good at these things. All I could see was his wicked grin that was spread across his face.

Didn't look friendly one bit.

"Sure! So um bye!" I say waving him off, and with that, he walked away.

I added the number on my phone and just looked at it terrifed of what he could have possibly gave me. That grin didn't look nice so I'm assuming it's some trick.

I decide to text to number just in case.


Zachary H
Uhm hello! Idk if you
Remember me, but
You helped me out
Earlier today.

Ohhhh yeahhhh I remember
You're the boy who liked
My porn post!

Zachary H


I pressed the link and I just stared at what was presented to me. FREAKING GAY PORN?!

And I thought I made a new friend. I quickly existed out of the link and just stod there shocked. What the hecking frick?

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