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I'm  In Too Deep-
Can't Touch The Bottom With
My Feet.

Zachary H~

I can't believe what just happened... A cute guy supposedly gave me his number- but it was just a useless, dirty, number.

I walk over to my bedroom and lay down. I stare up at the ceiling and take a second to process my thoughts.

I can't believe he did that...

I hate the fact I fell so easy for someone I don't even know- heck... I didn't even fall for him! I just thought he was cute... That's a lie... He was HOT.

I groan as I sit back up and look at my phone and quickly deleted the number. I have to take my mind off of this.

I go over to the living room and noticed Cody sleeping peacefully on the couch. When he wakes up he's gonna have a heck of a hangover. Rest in peace buddy.

I grab my camera and put the strap around my neck, I also grab my leather jacket I used at the beach and wrap it around my waist.

I quickly grab a piece of paper and write a note and put it on the coffee table.

'Went out for a walk, Advil is in the bathroom cubby and make sure you don't drink anymore.
Be back at 5 pm.

                      ~ 𝒵𝒶𝒸𝒽𝓎 𝒲𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓎'

I smile looking at my signature. He used to make fun of me for being bi and would always call me "Zachy Wacky" in a girly voice.

I grab my wallet and slip it in my pocket along with my phone.

"I think that's all-" I scan around the penthouse and nod as I walk out the door and into the elevator.

I take out my phone from my back pocket and check the time.

1:52 p.m.

That'll give me enough time to walk around and pass by at a local cafe. Great!


The elevator doors slide open and I step out. I make my way to the double doors and walk out of the building.

I take a quick second to breath in the smell of LA. The same old tropical smell.

Before I even continue walking, this guy with brownish blonde hair bumps into me.

"Oh sorry! I'm in a rush to meet someone!" He says quickly and continues walking away.

"Its alright! Be careful -" before I could even finish. He was already to far to hear me. "-Out there... Alright whatever." I say rolling my eyes and start walking to a near by cafe.

Approximately 7 minutes later, I stumble across a small cafe that didn't seem full. Just some people working and around 4-7 people sitting at tables either reading, talking, or on a computer.

I go up to the register and wait for someone to take my order.

"Hey welcome to 'Chris's Comfy Cafe'! What may I get you today?" The guy says looking up from his notepad and then stares at my eyes.

"Uh yeah- uhm... I'll get a white chocolate mocha frap with 7 pumps of roast, and lastly a light drizzle of caramel on top. Large size, and name for it is Zach." I say trying to memorize my order that I usually get at this other cafe.

The guy nods and writes it down on a notepad and passes it to the woman behind him.

As I'm about to turn away, he suddenly stops me from walking off.

"Hey- instead if you paying me with money, we could head to the back and you can pay me with something else." He says with a smirk and winking at my direction.

I feel very uncomfortable for a moment. "No thanks- I don't do thing like that and I don't know you." I say looking down. I hope someone is seeing this cause I'm about to loose my marbles.

"Oh c'mon baby boy... No one's watching- besides her." He says referring to the woman working behind him. I'm so uncomfortable that I begin to panic.

As I'm about to say something, I hear the bell rings behind me. Signalling someone has entered the cafe.


I look up at the guy and notice he is glaring at me and then looks back at the people who just entered.

I quickly walk away and sit at the very back waiting for my drink. I just want to get away from here as soon as possible.

"Order for Zach!" I hear the woman say and I silently thank the Lord... again.

I grab my drink and give the lady the money and as soon as I'm about to leave- I feel someone grab my left wrist.

I look over at notice it's the cashier guy.

Crab- I'm going to die.

"Let me go please." I say looking away from his face. "Come with me, now." He said in a deep tone that disturbed me a lot. I tried moving away but he wouldn't let go.

I'm in deep shit.

Very deep shit...

"Let me go!" I yell out causing some people to look at me and start to notice the situation happening.

"Hey let him go you pervert!" I hear a guy say and pulling the guy away from me.

"You fucking idiot! You'll regret it you fag!" He says in such venom.

I quickly walk out of there with my drink still in my hand the guy with his friend get out of there too.

"Thanks for saving me back there... I could have gotten- you know-" I say still looking down. I have no idea who this guy is but I just had to thank him.

I look up and immediately look back down.

It's him.

The same guy who gave me the number.

The cutie from the beach.

He saved me...

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