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Don't Know What You Did To Me.
I Can't Breath, But I'm Livin,

Zachary H~

I slowly look back up at him with my face feeling like it's lit on fire. He looks concerned, but maybe he isn't thinking about what he did at that moment.

"No problem. People like him disgust me." He says with a small smlie while looking straight at my eyes.

I was wearing my glasses on, so he had to have recognized them cause his expression slowly changed.

Does he know? Oh Lord...

"Hey guys, do you mind if I can talk to this guy alone?" The curly headed cutie said turning to his friends.

"Sure. We will be down the street. There's a Starbucks there so it's better than this place." A boy with bright blue eyes says an the rest nod.

Speak of which- I just noticed that the guy who ran into me was standing next to the blue eyed guy. Strange. Today has been a total coincidence.

The three males walk away, leaving me with Curly over here.

"Listen... I'm sorry for giving you that number. I was dared by my friend, and he would have payed me cash if I did." He says looking down at me then away as if he was hiding something else.

"It's okay. I never actually expected someone so cute to give me their phone number-" I slowly pause my sentence and cover my mouth with my right hand.


His eyes widen and he smirks at me. "Really?"

I slowly nod my head and I feel my face burn again. Man, I hate emotions.

The slightly taller male removes my hand away from my face. "You look cute when you blush." He states as he smiles.

I roll my eyes while blushing even more. You better stop-

"Well since I owe you an apology for that number. Let me make it up to you." He says taking his phone out.

"Can I have your number? Like actually this time." I laugh a little and pass him my phone.

He gives me my phone back and see his contact name.


Is his name Avery? I guess it is. I'm not sure.

"Also my name is Jack, if you where wondering." Just like as if he read my mind.

"I'm Zachary. But please call me Zach." I say with a small smile that held on my lips.

"Yo Avery! We gotta go!" I hear one of his friends says. Darn. Why does he have to leave so soon.

Jack looks back at me and his smile fades a little. "Well I have to. I'll cya around cutie, okay?" I blushed at what he called me at nodded.

Before he walks off. He does the "call me" signal and walks off.

He's so cute. He kinda reminds me of a poddle, or ramen, but he's still adorable.

I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

What is he doing to me? I can't really breath. Am I having a panick attack? I don't think so...

Jack Avery-

What are you doing to me.

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