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I'm  In Too Deep,
Can't Touch The Bottom
With My Feet.

Zachary H~

A few hours pass by an I decided I should probably hear back home before Cody becomes suspicious.

I walk back over to the building and head up to our Condo. I unlock the door with my keys and hear sniffling coming from Cody's room.

Since I'm a good roommate, I walk over to his room and lightly knock on the door.

"Cody...? Are you okay?" I say with a cautious voice. I have no idea if he will snap at me if push his limits.

I hear no response so I ask him again.

This time I heard rattling an the door opened just a little bit. Revealing a red eyed Cody.

"Cody are you okay!?" I say as I push past the door and hug him.

"Sh-She left me Zach! Sh-she cheated on-on me..." Cody sobs into my shoulder and hugs back tightly.

"Zoe?" Cody nods slowly and I rub my hand along his back.

"Want me to leave you for a while to collect your thoughts?" "Yes... Please?" I look at Cody and smile sadly.

"Okay buddy, I'll be on the balcony if you need me." Cody nods as I walk out of his room, hearing his door shut not moments after I left.

I feel so bad for him... Zoe and him have been dating for a long time. I never expected her to cheat. She treated me like he brother and I loved her like a sister.

I shake my head and head out to the balcony, where I look at the beautiful sunset.

My thoughts start to drift over to Jack. I wonder what he's doing right now... Should I text him? Nahh... Well maybe- nope. Not going to bother him.

-But of course he could always need company.

I take my phone out of my back pocket and use my finger print to access my phone.

Soon, I'm found scrolling past my contacts to a specific one.


I press on the text icon and stare at the the small, bright, screen in front of me.

What the heck do I say... Should I just say Hey? Or is that too basic.

I didn't realize how long I've been out here cause I noticed a presence behind me.

"Hey Zach, what are you staring at?" It was Cody. I have no idea when he came in, but he was staring at my screen.

"A boy I see-" He snatches my phone and looks at Jack's contact.

"Just text him 'Hey' smiley face. It's simple yet, easy" I nod slowly and begin to write on my keypad.

"He's probably not going to re-"

I'm cut off by a Ding coming from my phone.

To: ❤️😉Avery😉❤️
Hey ☺️

From: ❤️😉Avery😉❤️
Hey Zachy 😊

"Respond..." I say suddenly taking all my interest towards my phone.

"You're in too deep Zachary. You just barely met him. Don't go all soft on him just yet. Remember, he sent you that phone number."

"Wait- how'd you know?" I say looking at him with wide eyes. "You and your loud mouth said it out loud while I was 'sleeping'. That's why."

I rolled my eyes and turned back towards my phone.

Cody was right about one thing though.

I'm in too deep. Way too deep, I just met this guy and I already feel like I've known him for ages.

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