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I'm In Too

Jack A~

A brief moment of silence was shared between Zach and I. Of course I was still very peeved with Jonah, but little does this retarted asshole know I'm going to show him what he deserves.

I glance down at Zach, who was staring off into space with dried tears that went down his checks.

"Zachy...? How are you holding up..?" I asked quietly petting his puffy brown hair for comfort. "Oh-okay..." He says looking up at me while hugging me tighter.

"Don't worry. Jonah's going to get what he deserves." And with that Zach falls asleep in my arms. I sigh and pick him up- carrying him to my room and laying him down on the bed.

Now I must think of a way to get back at that overgrown fucker.

I grab my skateboard, wallet, and phone. I'm going down to the store to get a few... things. This will be the perfect way to get him back after hurting my Zachary.

Jesus Christ I sound like an obsessed anime girl or something like that.

Locking my apartment door, I head out and skate towards the nearest store here. Which happens to be a Walmart. Perfect.

I come to an abrupt stop on my board and see a familiar face. Isn't that Harry...? I walk closer to him and he turns around happily.

"Jack-o!" Harry says giving me a bear hug, which I happily return. "Hey Styles! What are you up too this late?" "I could ask you the same thing mate. I was visiting a friend and I'm on my way back to the apartment." I nod simply and smile.

"That's nice to hear, I'm heading down to Walmart to get a few things." Course I'm not dumb enough to tell him why specially.

"Cool. Well I'll see you around Jack-o, be safe." The moppy haired brunette says skipping off. Gay much? Oh well.

I finally arrived at Walmart and start to browse the isles. I look down at my phone and press the notes tab. Writing down the stuff I'll be needing.

-wooden chair
-ice cream (for Zachy)

I nod my head while writing the notes and grin. This'll be fun...

I head down every single isle getting everything I needed from the list. You may be wondering, "Hey Jack, what's the fucking plan?" Well I'm not telling you yet. You need to see it for yourself.

Paying for the items, the cashier looked at me strangely and asked if I was going to kidnap someone as a joke- only if she knew.

It's probably around 1 am at the moment and Zach might be awake. Don't worry Zachary... no one will hurt you anymore.

I still sound insane, but I'm doing it cause I love him!

Finally coming across the apartment complex, I took the elevator back to my apartment and unlocked the door. The small living space was dead silent... too silent.

I headed over to my room and saw Zach playing on his phone. "Hey Zachy..." I say walking over to the slightly taller, layer back, male.

"Hey Jacky, where were you?" He asked turning he phone off and facing me. "I got you some ice cream. I didn't know what flavor to get you so I got cookie dough and strawberry." He smiles and gave me a warm hug.

I love this feeling I get when I'm around him. It puts me at ease and comfort. I want to stay in his embrace for ever.

Zach let's go of me and heads over to the kitchen, where the two tubs of ice cream where set. I quickly grab a small bowl for myself and a bowl for Zach so he can get his ice cream.

"You didn't have to get me ice cream, you know?" I shook my head and smiled up at him. "I wanted too, plus I wanted to make you feel better after what Jonah said."

After we both got our ice cream, he headed towards my room and sat down on the carpet, and just talked about anything that came to mind.

I'd really like to ask Zach out on a date, but of course my self esteem would hold me back. Maybe after I get rid of Jonah- not get rid- more like teach him his lesson- I can ask Zach out! We could be the happiest couple on the planet! Maybe adopt a kid... I'm thinking wayyyy too ahead of myself .

I shrugged my feelings away and looked at Zach's features. He was outstanding to the eye. His beautiful hazel brown eyes complemented his hair. Which was very soft to the touch. His rosy checks are adorable and suits his child like personality. Not to mention the blushing he does when I tease him.

I already fell head over heals for this boy. And it's too difficult to stop feeling these emotions.

I guess I'm in too deep after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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