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I'm In
Too Deep~

Zachary H~

After our friendly "chat", the guys and I made our ways to the beach. It was still very hot out so stopped by a cafe to get water.

I placed down a sand-resistance towel, and sat down along with Harry, and Jack.

Harry tapped my shoulder. "I'm gonna go for a swim, and if you're going to take aesthetic photos- warn me so I can pose like a hot model." He says getting up laughing a bit.

I roll my eyes and nod, while Jack let's out an airy chuckle.

And with that- Harry is swimming around. I take this time to look over at Jack. "Are you gonna go swim as well?" Jack shakes his head. "Not unless you will." He says smiling.

"Alright, well I'll be taking some photos- feel free to pose if you'd like." I say glancing at him while he nods and gets up.

"How should I pose exactly?" The curly headed mess asks cluelessly.

"Uhm- let me demonstrate." I get up and stand next to him.

"So first... You gotta stand sideways with a shoulder facing me, and the other facing the waves." I demonstrate to Jack doing the actions I told him to do.

I can literally feel him staring at me, but it'll be awkward if I look back.

"Then, with your head, face me, and have one of your hands playing with your hair."

"Why does my hand have to play with my hair?"

"Ehh, so you'd look more attractive." I say blushing, but quickly turning away. "Okay- if you say so darling." Jack says, I can clearly sense the smirk in his voice.

I grab my camera and get him in on the frame. I tilt it sideways so the ocean is still in the back, but I try to make my main focus on Jack.

I snap a few pictures to see which one looks best.

"Come here! See which one you like the most!" I say over to him, and he jogs over to me.

We both scroll the photos and we both decide that the 2nd photo was the best. "I look pretty hot in that one." The slightly shorter male says to me. "You always look pretty hot." I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh really now...?" Jack says in a teasingly tone.

"Yeah, now shut up." I say siting back down on the towel. Jack laughs and sits down with me.

A few moments later, Harry gets out of the water to join us. "Hey guys, I think it's getting pretty dark so we should go now. And plus I'm pretty sure Calum is already at home." Harry says putting his shirt back on.

"Alright mate- I'll see you around bitch." Harry says giving a hug to me and Jack.

"Bye Harry! Nice meeting you bro." Jack says waving him off.

"Ditto Avery." Harry says walking off to where he's probably parked at.

"It was fun hanging out with you Jacky..." I say shyly looking down at him. "I was glad I decided to approach you. And actually- I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my house to hang."

Jack looks at me with those amazing, hazel nut eyes. How on earth could I possibly say no to him!?

"Of course! But right now?" I say just to clarify. "Hell yeah. Right now, better now than never!" Jack says happily.

I sigh lowly- Jack is such a softy, like honestly, how could someone be so precious.

I feel like I'm slowly drowning myself into something I'm not supposed to... I'm not even feeling a hint of guilt about it though.

What can I say? I'm in too deep.

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