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I Took One Sip Of Your Potion
Now I'm Just Divin' Right In


Zachary H~

I walked through the apartment door that lead towards the lobby. I live in a condo, which is way to big for me, with my friend Cody.

He is already dating someone and he is always at her house now a days. It feels like I basically live alone.

I press the up arrow button to the elevator and wiat for the doors to open.


The elevator door opens and I step inside pressing the top number that leads to the condo. I walk out of the elevator and open the door to my huge apartment.

I turn on the lights and place my camera down on the coffee table. I then head over to my room and change into a green sweatshirt and black joggers.

I don't really have much to do today so walk over to the balconand sit on one of the comfortable fluffy chairs.

Somehow my thoughts travle back to the curly headed boy I saw at the beach. I would be lying if I said he wasn't the cutest boy I've ever seen, but, like all boys, I bet he is straight as a stick.

I mean- how could you not have a girlfriend if you look like that! I look over to see the beautiful beach and stare out to the water. I wish I could just dive in to the water and feel normal for once.

I would tell Cody to help me swim but that would be weird. I grab my phone I press on the Spotify app and go to my "Top Hits" playlist. "Happy Now" by Zedd and Elley Duhé begins to play and I couldn't help but sing along. It's a great song! Like how could you not sing?!

"You're a world away, somewhere in the crowd-" I was caught off by Cody standing next to me with a paper bag in his hands.

"What is that?" I say pointing to the bag he is holding. He smirks and pulls out a bottle of Vodka. "What the heck Cody! You can't bring that here!" I say snatching the bottle away from him.

"Awww c'mon Zdong! Let loose once is a while." He says slowly taking back the bottle and walking inside. Oh heck no! He is not drinking in my- well he lives here to... He isn't drinking in our apartment!

I rush inside to see he is standing there with a glass of vodka on the table and he is also holding one.

"Cody don't you even dare." I say glaring at him and he just grins taking a sip of the strong drink.

"Darn it." I sigh grabbing the other glass that was on the table so I can throw it way. "Zach just taste it! It won't be so bad." He reassures me while taking another sip.

"Fine, only because I trust you not to let me make a dumb decisions."

Bad idea...

+-Hour Later-+

"Heyyyyy Zaaach." Cody slurrs while laying down on the floor. "Yeah?" I say slightly dizzy. Cody got completely wasted and I took about 2 glasses full of the alcoholic beverage.

"Can weee uhhh go to-" He pauses for a moment. "Toooo the beach?" He finishes his sentence moving so he was now in a sitting position.

"Sure... I'll just get some medicine for me so I won't be that dizzy." I say getting up and going over to the bathroom where I keep the medicine at.

I take a few pills and walk back over to Cody, who was holding a towel on one hand and sun glasses in the other.

"Letsss go!" Cody slurrs again running over to the elevator. "Wait Cods!" I say chasing after him.

Right as we step foot in the lobby, Cody's body decided to be a female dog and faint right in the middle of the room. "Darn it Cody! This is why I don't let you drink." I say to Cody's now unconscious body as I try to pick him up.

"Need a little help with that?" Someone says and I look up to see the curly headed boy from this morning.

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