Chapter 2

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**Josh's P.O.V**

I was talking to my friends when suddenly the subject of Melody and I grinding together earlier was brought up.

"God I feel so sorry for you man." 

"What?" I asked pretending to be clueless about what they were talking about.

"I mean it must've been hell grinding with her right?"

I thought of telling the truth. "Actually she's an amazing kisser, and grinding with her was amazing. She's pretty damn gorgeous too." Not like I was about to say that out loud. Are you kidding? Melody was nice and pretty and all, infact we were best friends when we were younger, but there was no way I was going to let them know that. As much as I would love to date Melody, she's about the worst person to date at my school. Popularity was the issue at my school you see, and if you were given the title "unpopular" anyone who would hang out with you would be aswell.I quickly thought of a lie.

"Oh man...yeah the whole time I was thinking to myself. Are we done yet? She's the worst kisser ever and it just felt so weird!" I said.

Once I did, I regretted it. I looked over to the side and I saw Melody standing there staring straight into my eyes.She looked like she was about to breakdown at any moment. Did she hear what I just say? Of course she did you idiot!

She stood there for a moment, just gazing at me through those big green eyes of hers. Her eyes read "how could you?" Then she spun around on her heel, and ran off towards the door.

"Give me a second." I said.

Then I began chasing after Melody.

It was almost impossible to make my way through this crowd quickly. Bodies were pressed together and everyone was just flat out drunk now.

I thought I had lost her when I heard someone yell,"GET AWAY FROM ME FREAK!"

I recognized that voice. It was Melody. I followed shortly behind her until she got into her car. As she sat in the driver's seat through the window, I could see tears start to roll down her cheeks. I had really hurt her.

I watched for a moment as she drove away, broken and hurt. I had to fix this. I quickly got into my car and drove to her house,

I knocked on her door twice. No response. Thankfully, the door was open so I walked straight in. The house was dark except for the light on in her room.The bathroom door was slightly ajar so I opened it.


**Melody's P.O.V**

I felt my vision turn a little blurry as I slid the blade over my wrist a third time. Blood was dripping all over the place but I didn't care.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath.

My parents or older brother must have been home early.

I quickly cleaned up the blood, disposed of the razor, tore off my clothes and hopped in the shower wetting my hair. Then I hopped out, and was drying off when I heard a voice.

Then HE entered the door, and I was completely nude.

He stared at me for a moment.

I quickly threw on a robe.

"Melody...I..." he said.

I felt the tears threatening to start up again, but I said,"Save it asshole." as strongly as I could.

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