Chapter 11

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**Melody's P.O.V**

I woke up with the strong urge to cut. After what happened last night, I was terrified. I shook Josh awake until he looked at me with wide eyes.

"J-Josh...?" I said with tears in my eyes.

He immediately sat up and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried.

"I.....I have the urge to cut..." I said nervously.

"Do you still have a hair elastic on your wrist?" he asked.

I always had one on my wrist just incase I needed it to put my hair up.

I nodded.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Snap it against your wrist." he said.

"What will that even do..?" I said.

"Trust me." he sighed again.

"Okay...." I replied.

I pulled the elastic back and snapped it against my wrist hard.

I winced at the slight pain.

"It'll cause less permanent pain." he smiled.

I smiled a weak smile back.

"Make sure you only do it when you feel absolutely awful. Don't get used to it or it'll become an addiction.." he warned.

I nodded and fell back into his arms.

"Can we talk?" he said.

I looked up at him and bit my lip. Was he going to break up with me....?

"What happened last night...?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I trembled.

"What happened after you got off of the phone with me. Don't leave out any details."

I sighed then sat up to face him.

"I was waiting for you to pick me up and Jason showed up out of nowhere...I guess he was following me...."

"You didn't notice he was following you...?" Josh asked.

I shook my head before continuing,"Then he came up and pinned me against a wall and he had a boner...he claimed I was teasing him earlier when I kissed him and that I had to fix it...."

I looked up at Josh and gulped. A wave of pain quickly washed over his face.

"Look..." I said taking his hands in mine,"I was upset and I thought you cheated on know I hate Jason and love you...the only reason I kissed him was to give you a taste of your own medicine..." I said.

"I know..." he said weakly,"It just hurt so much...I never should have let Faith kiss me..."

He looked like he were about to start crying.

I quickly planted my lips onto his to stop him. He was taken back by this but immediately started kissing me back. I pulled away panting.

"Thanks..I needed that." he weakly smiled.

I smiled back.

"Can you tell me the rest?" he asked biting his lip.

I nodded,"Then he threw me over his shoulder and took me into the old store..then he started stripping me as well as himself...he straddled me and told me that if I struggled he'd hurt me even I started screaming and he said that nobody would hear me and I'd enjoy what was about to happen. then he undressed and was about to rape me when you showed up. And thank God you did..." I cried.

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