Chapter 8

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**Josh's P.O.V**

Melody had fell asleep a few minutes ago in my lap. So I guess me and her were together now right? I mean she just kissed me..

My thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone vibrating.

*Faith* was the name that popped up on my screen.

"Hey Joshie, I haven't talked to you in forever! How are you? :) "

Oh shit. Faith was my ex.

She moved away about a year ago and I loved her unconditionally. But I was with Melody now right? I sighed to myself and ran my free hand through my hair roughly.

I choose my words with caution as I texted Faith back.

"Hey I haven't seen you in forever! I've been good, how about you?"

Instantly, I got a text back.

"Pretty good I guess. I've missed you so much Joshie! But guess what..."

"I've missed you too! What? :)"


My jaw dropped open as I read the text.

"Wow...that's great!" I texted back.

"Alright...normally you'd be thrilled...what's up Ramsay?"

She knew me too well.

"It's just....I've......." I pressed send by mistake.

"SHIT." I whispered to myself.

"You've what Joshie?"


How do I word this? Oh my God...

"It's and Melody..." I texted back, my fingers trembling on the buttons of my phone.

"Oh my God, Mel! I haven't seen her in so long!"

She didn't understand..

"I think...I think I have feelings for...her..." I texted back.

"...................." was all I got for a reply.

That is until my phone vibrated once again.


That wasn't the reaction I was looking all.  

"You aren't mad...?" I asked a little confused.

"Nope! Why would I be? :)"

"I just...I thought that...."

"Ohhh! You thought I wanted to get back together?" she texted.

I didn't respond at first until another text was sent to me.

"Don't get me wrong Joshie, you're a sweet, amazing, talented, funny guy that any girl would be lucky to have. But, I think we'd be better off as friends now that we haven't seen each other in over a year." she continued.

I smiled a little at her response before texting her back.

"Thank you, and I agree. You're also an amazing girl that any guy would be lucky to have but, we just weren't meant to be with each other that way I guess. Thanks for understanding Fay. :)"

I smiled as I felt Melody stirr in my arms and slowly start to wake up.

"Josh?" she yawned.

"Yes?" I asked her ignoring my vibrating phone.

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