The calls

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Things you need to know...

Y/N-your name

f/sh-favourite show

f/c-favourite colour

s/f/c-second favourite colour

f/s-favourite song

might add more later on with the story😉

Y/N pov.

Today i decided to have a lazy day and binge watch F/Sh. Then i got a call uhh so much for a lazy day. (y-you M-mom)

y- hi mom why are you calling me

M- Well me and your father have a proposition for you and Aaron is Aaron there 

y- No, i think he's at the boys house 

M- okay well can you go and get him then i will callyou what its about 

y- okay bye

i hung up and got changed (the outfit above) then put my earbuds in as i walked to the guys house listing to f/s. when i reached there house i knocked on the door and i saw Garroth "Hey Garroth is Aaron here" "oh, yeah he's over there" "thx" i walked over to Aaron "hey bro mom just called saying she got a job for us" Aaron looked at me and questioned  "why would i do that?" "Maybe you would like to take a special someone somewhere" i said as Aaron blushed "Well what is the job" As soon as he said that me and Garroth got a Phone call.

Garroth pov.

As i was sitting there watching TV as the others had gone out me and Y/N suddenly got phone call.(g-garroth f-garroths father/garte)

f- hey Garroth 

g- hey why are you calling me dad

f-well first knock the phone out of Y/N hand

g- okay

"can i knock your phone out your hand" i said as Aaron and Y/N stared at me and shouted "NO!"

"ok ok" i said nervously and put my phone back to my ear

f- well i have something for you and Zane to do you see the ro'meave and the lykins have got this lodge on bunny hill and we want you guys to clean it up as we want to make into a hotel

g- okay so we have to fix it up

f- yes we will give you some money if you do it and i will send tou a letter about it you leave tommorow

g- okay bye

As i hung up i looked over at Aaron and Y/N as they finished as well "s-so did you get a call about the lodge "Y/N looked up "yes we did so you are coming as well" "yeah who should we bring cause i think i should bring Zane " Aaron then spoke up "sure and i will bring Aph." "what about lucinda with her magic we could get it done quicker and don't forget my bff Ena(change if your names Ena) "  Y/N said "so we all agree we should bring Zane, Aph and lucinda" they nodded. "i will text Zane and Kim then, Aaron can text Aph and Y/N can text lucinda." After everyone nodded and text everyone. Then Aaron and Y/N went home to pack as i went and packed.Maybe i could finally tell Y/N how i feel.

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