At the lodge

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Don't play song yet i will tell you when

Y/N pov.

As i got home to pack i couldn't help thinking if i still liked Garroth as i had a crush on him in high school i mean who didn't he was like prince charming at least that's what katelyn use to call him i giggled at the thought. could i still like him. Still pondering the thought i fell asleep on my bed i can't wait to see the lodge.

The next day

Beep, Beep, Beep uhhhhhh smash oops i looked and saw i crushed another alarm clock. then i looked at my phone why did i have to wake this early ummm oh we are going to the lodge. I excitedly got out of bed and got changed (outfit above) and took my stuff down.I decided i would watch F/Sh until Garroth picked me up. we needed to take two cars so we decided that in Aaron's car there would be Aaron, Aph, Ena and lucinda and in Garroths there would be Garroth, Zane, Kim and me. Suddenly i was interrupted by a knock on the door turns out it was Garroth "Ready to go then" "yep" i excitedly said as ran to the front seat next to Garroth who was driving he chuckled at my excitement "What's so funny" i said with a pouty face "its funny how excited you can get with a cleaning job" "i am just excited to see the lodge again cause i played in it when i was a kid." "well lets go already" i turned around to see a grumpy Zane "okay lets pick up kim and go to the lodge" 

we picked up kim and headed to the lodge and my favourite song came on and i started to sing:

Play song above

  1... 2... 1... 2... 3,

I've been feeling so small,
Watch the clock ticking off the wall,
But tonight I'm letting it go,
Spend my coin for sure

I'm gonna be myself,
Or I could be someone else,
No one's stopping me now,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I just wanna feel alive

It's just what I do when I'm out so

Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car,
Nothing can break me,
No, no,
Nothing can break me

Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna take a trip to Mars
Nothing can break me,
No, no,
Nothing can break me


Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car

Lay my troubles to rest,
Blow the smoke through my cigarette,
City lights looking fine,
And know that this is my time now

I'm gonna be myself,
Or I could be someone else,
No one's stopping me now,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I just wanna feel alive

It's just what I do when I'm out so

Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car,
Nothing can break me,
No, no,
Nothing can break me

Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna take a trip to Mars
Nothing can break me,
No, no,
Nothing can break me


Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car

I'm gonna be myself,
I'm gonna be someone else,
I'm gonna be myself,
I'm gonna be someone else,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,

I'm gonna be myself,
I'm gonna be someone else,
I'm gonna be myself,
I'm gonna be someone else,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,
I'm gonna skip my breaks,
I'm gonna make mistakes,

Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those beautiful stars,
I wanna drive a faster car,
Nothing can break me,
No, no,
Nothing can break me

Try not to hold me down,
Feel alive,
When I'm in this town,
Look at those
Beautiful stars,
I wanna take a trip to Mars
Nothing can break me,
No, no,
Nothing can break me

Garroth prov

"wow she has an amazing voice" "T-thank you" she said with light pink dust on her cheek "you weren't meant to here that" i whispered but she heard "and whys that"she said with a smirk on her face "n-no reason" i said i think i must be bright red by now and she started giggling.Soon after she fell asleep and Zane said are we there yet" "Nearly baby brother" "i told you not to call me that". When we arrived i woke Y/N up.

Y/N pov.

I was awoke by Garroth as we had got to the lodge its still beautiful. "Who has the key" Garroth said "i know where it would be" i looked under the welcome mat "here" i put the key in the door and we went in "I-its realy d-dark in there" Kim said shakealy. i then heard lucinda "where did i put them" "what have you lost" "i don't know where my potions are" "well don't worry you can make more right" "i need ingredients and some are rare""well let's go in and find the power box" After lots of searching we couldn't find it "maybe its on the second floor" i said but the Garroth spoke up "wait i have a letter" "oh so do i" i gave the letter to Aaron after Garroth asked can i rip your letter "NO" i shout as we read through the letter "guys it says its in the garage" i said and we all started walking over then Garroth stopped me "Y/N" "Yes" "i have been meaning to ask" "yes" "Ever since high school i have liked you and now i have to say would y-you b-be my g-gilfriend "Yesss, garroth i have liked you since high school too and seeing you now brings back those feelings" Then he kissed me and i kissed back until we heard "aww" we let go blushing bright red seeing....

Aph and Ena squealing "My Ship is sailing" Which made us blush even more, then Aaron walked up to Garroth and whispered something which made Garroth very scared as he went pale i guess that's my brother for you 

Garroth prov.

When Aph and Ena  squealed "My ship is sailing" i went even redder then Aaron came up to me and whispered "You do anything to hurt her i will personally squish you" then walked back to Aph. i looked at Y/N as i was petrified and she smiled at me. "s-shall we go then" i said nervously and everyone nods as i hold Y/N hand as we went to the garage.

Y/N pov.

As we got there everyone was trying to turn it on as i just stood there looking around and i saw something on the floor glowing it was an emerald i decided to put it in my pocket. Then the lights came on"we have light" i shouted and everyone started laughing. then Garroth went to turn on the boiler When it exploded "omg Garroth are you okay" i didn't know if i should laugh or cry but i let a little snigger come out "" he said "it is kind off is. well can you get up" "i think so " as he got up i let him lean on me so he didn't fall then we sat on the sofa and cuddle until we heard a howl "W-What is that" "its a pack of wolfs everyone hide"

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