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In the forest

Aph pov

As i opened my eyes i saw a wolf lady cuddling with Aaron that made me so mad and i saw a Wolf man that looked similar to the lady cuddling Y/N.i then shot glares at the lady as Garroth shot glares at the man.

wolf l& wolf m- your still staring at me 

Garr&Aph-no i'm not

Wolf l- you are and your gaze lady is like an Alpha

wolf m-and yours boy is like a Beta


Garr-i am not a wolf but Aph did take werewolf class

Aph- i thought that was behind me but i have had experience with werewolves before

Garr- you two are friend with the wolves right?

wolf l-yes we are siblings, you two seam rather calm about it 

Aph- well we are kinda use to wolves so they don't scare us 

*Wolves howl*

Wolf l-walks off to the entrance-i thought i had more time

Aph&Garr-wake up you two 

Aph-whats going on

Wolf m- they need to wake up


Wolf l- are Alpha and Beta is coming if they find them they will be killed

wolf m&wolf l- wake up pls

Lucinda pov

i wake up seeing i am in a cage in the secret passage and i look down to see a werewolf.

luci- your the one that knocked  me out, the one behind all of this

??- What do you know

luci- why should i tell you

???-you will tell me

-shoots some magic at luci-

luci- what are you doing

???- What do you know

luci-the books the potions i know they are forever 

-wears off-

???- what

luci-gahh a mind alteration spell it didn't last long this is why you need potions


luci- let me out don't leave me

???-shut up your as annoying as the one eyed cyclops from before

luci- one eyed Zane you altered his memory

??- smart one aren't you

Luci-l have no clue what his plan is but i there no telling what hes capable of

Forrest Y/N pov 

uhh i am so cold i think Garroths next to me

Y-Garroth. your so walm

i look over and see a white haired man

Y-gahh who are you 

i look and see that there's a white haired girl hugging Aaron and him in shock like me then Garroth and Aph started glaring at me And Aaron

A&G- your so walm whats that supposed to mean 

A&Y- whats going on

wolf m- i wanted to thank you lady for what you did in the forest

G- what did you do in the forest Y/N

y-i urr i have no clue

Wm-i didn't know people could be so kind and gentle

G- what

Now everyone was staring at me as i looked at the wolf man

Y-idk what hes talking about-Garroth throws a rock at me- hay


Wl-we need to leave now 

G-dont change the subject

wl-go- they walk off

A- should we follow

Aa- yes cause if an Alphas coming it can be dangerous

*we followed*

g-when this is over you have to tell me

Y-this is the first time i met him urr

we ran through the storm eventually finding another cave 

Wl-these lead back to your home follow me down here

Aa-Aph Garroth are you okay 

we stopped as the Wolfs carried on

A&G- how are you so fast

Y- we are almost there lets just walk with you

G-which way did she go

Aaron sniffs and so do i but nothing

Y- i have no clue we will try this way why don't you two go the other way- i say to garr and Aph

As we kept walking the cave started changing to a dark blue when we reached the end we saw a cavern then

Y- lucinda

luci-N/n Aaron how did you get here

Aaron- we should be asking you that

luci- its a long story but we are in danger

Y- what are you talking about

luci- i don't exactly know but someones down here doing terrible things

Aaron- what type of thing

luci- like potions that last forever and they used it on Zane


luci-hes coming back go 

Y- we carnt leave you 

luci- you must now go

Y- no

Luci- yes now remember the people doing it aren't witches and don't know a lot about it 

Aaron grabs my had as we leave and rush out

Y- lucinda- i look down

Aa- dont worry we will find her

Y- i hope so lets go talk to Zane

once we got out of the tunnel we found Aph and Garroth then as we went down stares i saw Ena moaning about the internet classic Ena

Y- Ena somethings wrong

E- yea we have been without internet for to long

Y- no not that we have to tell you about lucinda-explains everything-

E-oh god

Y-and weres Zane

E-Hes upstairs Kim went to check on him


Hears scream


we all rush upstairs

Luci pov 

i saw a some wolves drop some off some emeralds and a lot of them

???- one of these emeralds should have power to work, this one will be a great addition to are pack

luci-i can hear you

???- there's one -evil laughter- 

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