The wolves

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Y/N pov

"Everyone hide its a pack of wolves" i shouted as the doors flung open revealing a girl with white hair in a hood with wolves. they sniffed to see if they could find us i surprised they didn't cause Kim was so scared she screamed but Ena put  a had round her mouth. once they were gone we came out of are hiding spots and Kim says "can we have a big sleep over h-here cause i-i'm scared they will come back" "sure but they shouldn't come back if we lock the door."We all got into sleeping bags and since kim was scared she said "why don't we have buddy's"we all nodded  Aaron and Aph slept together Kim asked lucinda and zane slept by himself even tho Ena asked him to be hers i mean i ship it. Then Garroth came up to me and said "do y-you want to be my buddy" he blushes light pink and so do i "s-sure" Then we fell asleep"

The next day very early

i woke up to a very loud Garroth snoring. As i couldn't get back to sleep i wandered round and went on my Phone suddenly realizing theres no internet "whyyyy" i cried then Aaron woke up and saw me "morning" i said then Aaron groaned "how do you sleep with him snoring like that and why are you moaning" i giggled "why do you think i woke up early. As for the second one i just realized we have no internet" I replied as Aaron chuckled. Then i saw that Zane was missing "Aaron Zanes missing" "wait so is Kim" he noticed. Then we heard a scream from upstairs i went up and saw Zane with Kim "whats going on" i yelled and they both looked at me and kim started first" idk i was wandering around looking for a bathroom then suddenly i blacked out and now i'm here"i looked at Kim and i Know she wouldn't lie then i Questioned "Zane why do you look terrified" "sh-she tried to K-Kiss me" "what?" i said, surprised at all of this i said we should go down to the others but i said that Zane should stay away from kim for a bit and he nodded quickly so me and kim went to the others me and kim went to the others. When we got back i explained what Zane and Kim said. Then Ena went and turned on the fire and i went to cook breakfast with Garroth following. After everyone ate i saw lucinda dragged me over and said "i think  Kim should stay away from Zane so this won't happen again" "Agreed. i don't think it will be a problem since he is scared out his mind" i giggled.

Zane pov.

S-she tried t-to k-k-kiss m-me i don't know what to do except i am staying away from that girl-women-thing.

Y/N pov.

"Guys we need to clean up the place i mean it is why we came" They all nodded in agreement the boys (except Zane) took the top and me and Lucinda and Ena took the bottom as Kim was tied after the incident. So after that Aaron said "Guys we need more supplies like food and stuff" "oh yeah we kind off for got that" Aph replied. "So who wants to come?" "i will stay to see if Zanes okay" Garroth replied "Aww it's cute you want to look after your brother"Garroth blushed and went over to me and kissed me on the cheek "Stay safe" I blushed as Aph squealed and took a pic.Then me Aaron, Aph, Ena and Lucinda went to the car.As we were going Aph asked "are we there yet" for the millionth time with lucinda shouting "NO STOP ASKING" then i thought why don't i annoy her more"Lucinda i have a question" "yes what is it Y/N?" "Are we there yet" me and Aph screamed at the same time "NO, can you believe these people ." then she pulled out her wand/staff and put a spell on us so we couldn't talk.

After the Long car journey

Lucinda then gets out the car to take the spell of us and we walk into the shop. Then aph taped the bell and a man came out of nowhere and scared her as i giggled. Aaron then says "Hi we are looking for food and supplies-"then i butted in "and internet." The shopkeeper than said "Welcome you came to the Right place and i will give you a discount on everything in shop" "Why?" Ena questioned "well you see we don't get many visitors.. because of the incident" he mumbled the last part but i saw that Aaron had heard "what incident" "well umm we had a rockslide and an avalanche yeah" "That's terrible" kim replied "Okay sorry for questioning you. well we should get searching." Then Lucinda came and told me and Aph that she was going to the potion shop "Meet back here" Aph shouted and i saw Aaron asking for Wolfsbane."Hey Bro why are you asking for that" i questioned "well you know we got attacked by wolfs-" he got interrupted by the shopkeeper "Wolfs!" "Yeah and as i was saying i think they were werewolves"  "This is bad explain what happen" Then Aaron and me explained "sounds like the same girl who scared everyone else" "That's scary "Aph said as she got nearer to Aaron. Then suddenly a mefa with purple ears and tail burst in and screamed "There's a blizzard"

At the lodge Garroth pov

Me and Zane were trying to get the radio to work as the others had left and Kim was asleep in one of the rooms. "Is it working yet" i questions then Zane shouted at "No, does it sound like its working" i shrugged as i Heard the door crash open...

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