In the forest

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Y/N pov

we wondered further and further into the forest but there was no sign of Zane and it was getting cold "h-how m-much further" i shivered. Aph then answered" he should be in this clearing.

At the lodge

Lucinda pov

As i walked in  with Zane Aph and Ena gave him a hug saying "i missed you so much" then kim came up to me

kim- hey i just sorted the clothes out. hows Zane?

Luci-he's ok but is acting strange 

kim- wait they are still hugging

luci- exactly

Kim?-she better get of my man

luci-what did you say

kim- i just said what happened to him

luci- he hasn't said anything about it

3rd pov

Garroth- i am glad you okay

Zane- why wouldn't i be 

Garroth- there were signs of a struggle and aph, Ena let go

Aph- but hes safe 

Luci- Zane do know who this is *points at Garroth*

Zane-hmmm all i know is that his names Garroth. brb

*Zane leaves *

Aph- hes acting strange

Ena- yeah he doesn't usually like hugs

Garroth- he doesn't love meeeeee-cries-

Luci-Ena and Aphs right

*Zane walks in*

Zane- im glad i followed Aaron and Y/N path otherwise i wouldn't of made it back

Aph- the path they came from What do you mean

Zane- i saw them going into the woods following someone

Gar&Aph- What they aren't back i can't loose her/him too

*ran to forrest*

Everyone else- wait

Back to the forest with Y/N and Aaron

Aph- nearly there

Y/N- you said that ages ago

Aph-don't you trust me*evil voice* you guys don't deserve me

*aph hit Y/N and Aaron tackled her. she turned into Michi*


Michi- it w-wasnt me i-was umm out of contr-michi out

*she ran away*

Y/n-stupid cat*Sniffs* lets go back this way

Aaron- urr i can't believe i fell for that*then follows*



Y/N- Garroth

Aph&Garr- Guys

*they hugged each other*

Garroth-we better go i-its getting cold

Y/N- we wont make it back it time so we n-need to f-find a cave

the rest nodded and went in a cave

Y/N pov

we sat in the cave Aph and Garroth were freezing idiots as they forgot a coat. so i gave Garroth mine as i had a jumper under but i started shivering and Aaron gave his coat to Aph and he was getting cold as well. we all had a group hug tho me and Aaron  were freezing. then Aph said that her and Garroth were goingout i said no then it went black.

Garroth pov

we were sitting in the cave keeping eachother warm when Aph suggested we go get wood and i agreed but Y/N sid "No" then both Aaron and Y/N blacked out from cold so me and Aph tries to wake them

Back at the lodge

Luci-his vitals are normal but if you look closely you can see something odd

Kim- hu 

Luci- you see his natural eye colours blue like Garroths but here they're green

Kim- yeah 

Zane- my eyes are naturally green and guys i appreciate everything but do you know were my brother is we got seperated 

Luci- go on baby



Zane- urr*blushes* we were camping then i saw a flash of green and he was gone like an emerald


Zane- what

luci- nothing, i just need to check on something*goes out the room Kim follows*

don't tell any one but i'm opening the passage again

Kim- What its dangerous

luci-i saw something that might help with Zane. if im not back within two hours come looking for me

KIm- okay

In the forest

Aph pov

Aph-Aaron!! pls wake

Garroth-Y/N i can't lose you and Zane

They are still alive that's good so me and Garroth gave them their jackets then left  to get fire wood. i saw a branch and went to get it but i fell and blacked out. i saw a figure and spoke"Cave help friends"

Garroth pov

i followed Aph she saw a branch but fell and landed on me and i blacked out

At the lodge

Kim pov

Kim- hey Ena why don't you make some soup for him


finally alone with Zane

Kim-do you believe in ghosts

Zane- i mean i kinda like the idea of them

Kim-hehehehehe you do

*Ena comes spills soup on kim*


Kim- what happened i will umm get cleaned up

Ena-kim is acting strange 

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