The Ultima

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A/n-  this is an extra long chapter so enjoy

Y/n pov

me and Aaron ran and ran with Ena on are tail

E- wait up there's no way to track them we will freeze

i just stood there while she rambled on and i shut my eyes trying to hear them

Y&Aa- this way- we shout and ran of again towards the sound 

Aa- someones here

Y- we know your there come out- and we saw the wolf man and lady and Ena stood back

E- these are the ones with the wolves

Aa- you had something to do with this

Wl-leave now

Y- i will bring him back

Wm- they will kill you

E- what in irenes is going on

Y- No i will not leave hes my everything i have waited to long

Aa- and shes my world

Wl&wm- it wasnt are fault

Aa- just tell us whats going on

Y- pls

Wm- i saw that wolf you helped why

Y- no one deserves to die

Wl- you promise to help us

Y- yes i will do everything to help your pack

E- what do we do

Wm- two werewolves attacked the wolves but we begged for us to live and he left us as long as he became Alpha and her the beta 

Wl- but we did it to save the pack then he took us to the lodge were we saw a snake eyed man who gave him two potions and he turned us into humans

Y- i am sorry you had to go through that

E- why should we trust them

Y- ITS ARE ONLY HOPE- i looked away feeling my eyes change and go back as i thought of the fact my best friend might not trust me- sorry 

Wl- they made potions that last forever 

Aa- they used them on my friends 

Wm- he tried to make more but couldn't until you turned up and the orange haid one made them

Wl- and they grew angry at the sight of you Y/N and Aaron idk why all i know is he will kill you and they want Garroth and Aphmau

E- there eyes are green like zane

Y- its different tho there scents are different meaning they are like that for other reasons

E- you guys are acting strange-Ena seemed worried but we new what we are doing

Wl- your right its the potion that made us human

they then fell to the floor

E- ther eyes there back to normal

Wm- were stuck as humans forever

that means if they use a potion on Garroth then i might loose him i start running and stopped as we saw Aph and Garroth on a hill then I heard zane

Y- Gar Gar

Aa- Aph

E- Zane- she ran off

Y- Ena don't

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