The hotel

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Ena pov

It's been a week after the incident now and lots of people come to the lodge for holidays which is great.Kim hsa Ghost still as she wants to come with us as her homes got lots of people in it now. Kim  works at the desk  while Zane and i pack our things its great. Although Aph and Garroth have been really upset because of what happened and there's rumors going around that someone was murdered here and that it was the ultimas. then i asked Zane                                        

E- do you think Aph and Garroth are going to be okay 

Z- i don't know i never seen Garroth like this its worrying me

E- i know but you can tell me about it when your ready -i smile he blushes a little 

Z-Ena you don't know how bad it felt not being able to control my body  and how i new what i was doing i just want them to be okay and now Aaron Y/N they they- i went and hugged him blushing a bit

E- its alright they just need time 

Z- your right 

E- i will always be here for you

Lucinda pov

i was talking to the wolf lady and man trying to see if the forever potion can be reversed but sadly i could not find anything when its permanent 

L-i'm sorry there's nothing i can do

wl- i see- she looked down

L- you could speak with Aaron and Y/N father he could turn you into a werewolf 

WM- no we are a wolf at heart and the pack still follows us

L- i wish i could of done more

WL- this is more than enough you sured Zane

L- but Aph if i new more i could have been more useful and what about the snake eyed man that helped Ein turn you

WM- we hardly know anything about him as Ein was only a pawn in his sick game 

WL- we don't know much about them however...-she walked over to the potions desk and picked up a book- Ein took this  from the snake eyed man but i want you to have and keep it safe as it contains potions

L- i want to thank you you have done so much 

WM- and thank you for everything- they walked of with there pack behind so i decided to walk back up 

3rd pov

Kim was waiting for more people when silvana (aphs mum) came rushing in with Eric not far behind

S- wheres my mija i have my chancla 

K- huh

S- wheres my daughter- Kim looked puzzled- aphmau my daughter

K- she's upstairs in the lykin suit she just... kinda...

S- lykin suit got it- she rushed of with Eric behind

they went up and looked for it she then rushed in and saw Aph and ran straight to her when she let go she saw that Garroth was next to her with his mother Zianna. Both Aph and Garroth had bags under their eyes 

S- mija i was so worried what happened i was told something but what pls 

A-its*sniff*hard*sniff* to explain- Zianna looked up and said

Z-pls both of you explain we need to know

G/A- well i was  forced to hate Y/N/ Aaron stab her/him kill him- they let a few more tears slip down their cheeks- but she/he was still here and came for me even tho i killed her/him they still saved us then Ein Ivy i don't know what happened i...- they were both interrupted between getting a hug from their parents 

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