The kiss

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The lodge Y/n pov

we ran upstairs to see a terrified Zane. Garoth went up to him and asked whats wrong while Ena watched the whole thing

z- that women thing kissed me-he pointed at Zane i started laughing-Zane didn't look impressed

G- wait your serious 

Z- yes Gerroth

G- its Garroth and i'm your brother

Z- no your not

A- stop arguing

Y- so what happened

Z- as i said that women thing kissed me 

A- her names kim

Aa- she wouldn't do that shes shy as you can get

A- maybe you dreamed it

Z- i did not she kissed me

Y- why don't you come with me Zane

Z- why don't you believe me

G- maybe because no one likes you-whispers as i laugh

Z- hay

i then gabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room with Aph and Ena behind me

Z- hay what was that for 

Y-look we don't want any more arguments so i took you out here lets go down stairs

With Garr Garr  Aaron and kim

G- what was that all about

Aa- i don't know

k- whats going on

Aa&G- ahh


K- i what i would never do that were is he now

G- he went with Aph Y/N and Ena

K- what

Aa- im going to check the passage

G-ok as i was saying

Kim had walked of

with the others

Y- Zane i need to ask you about lucinda

Z- what about her

Y- shes in trouble and she said your memories have been mixed up or some thing

Z that's not true 

A- it has to be i mean you've been acting strange ever since you got back- i nodded

Y- so what exactly happens when you went missing

Z- as i told you guys i was in the wood when i got separated from my

E- no that's not right because i know for a fact your brother is Garroth

Z- my brother is ....

Y- did you say something

Z- yes

Y- i you didn't say

Z- maybe you need to sit down

Y- we are just worried a bout Lucinda

Z- rightfully so but none of you heard what i said

Aaron pov

 i went to check on the passage but when i got there it was closed  so i went and opened it and saw a wall how were we going to save Lucina now and how did this happen

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