The secret tunnel

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Y/N pov.

They led to a wall but i heard wind from behind it and it looks like Aaron did to as we both said "I can hear the wind there must be a room behind it "How do you hear that?" Aph questions but was interrupted by Garroth " Lets find a button or something that should open it" i nodded knowing he wanted to find him quick. We looked around but i got board and leaned on the wall then i think i pushed something because the wall opened. "Guys" i shouted and they turned to the opening "Lets go" Garroth said and ran off."wait Garroth!" and i ran after him and the others shouting for us.

Aph pov.

"Guys i will stay and look for Kim" the Lucinda and Ena nodded then Aaron said"i will stay as well. So look after my sister" she ran off so me and Aaron looked around and found kim asleep in one of the rooms "look like she slept through the whole thing" i giggled, then she woke up. "Hey guys your back so did you get the supplies" she looked confused as i explained what happened...

Y/N pov

I ran and ran after Garroth and once i caught up he stopped "why did you stop"i Questioned "The footprints have disappeared, and i think we lost the others" He replied "Don't worry we will find them lets just try and find Zane" i told him trying to lighten the mood he smiled and hugged me "i am Glad i have an amazing Girlfriend" Then he let me go and we kept walking then we saw a fork in the path. "Which way do we go" While Garroth was looking around i sniffed the air "I think we should go this way" i pointed "Why?" "I just have a feeling" "okay i trust you" he smiled and kissed my forehead and we kept walking.

Lucinda pov

me and Ena have been walking for ages  i can't find them why do they run so fast "No no no the footprints are disappearing" Then i reached a fork in the path."which way should we go" Ena asked" " i guess i will go this way". When i reached the end i saw lots of stuff to make potions" wow" me and Ena say at the same time(btw na is a which) then i made some potions and kept walking...

Y/N pov                 

We kept walking until we reached a mine with emeralds i think "N/n (nickname) come over here" Garroth shouts and i walk over "looks like people have been living here" "yeah" then Garroth said something that i couldn't hear "What did you say" "N-nothing" he blushed bright red and i kissed him on the cheek lets go. Then i started running down the tunnel "Catch me if you can" then i blacked out.

Lucinda pov 

i heard footsteps so i took out a potion and thew it. turns out it was Y/N "oops" then Garroth ran round the corner and he saw what i did "Lucinda!! what did you do!" Then i looked at Y/N to see that shes a puppy and Ena then"awww" 

Y/N pov

i wake up on the floor i went to get up and saw Lucinda and Garroth staring at me "Why are you so tall" but it came out in barks i looked at myself and saw i was puppy i started to growl "Guys i know what i did wasn't good but we need to keep moving. As we walked we found the outside and it was cold i shivered "Zane could be anywhere now" Garroth kneeled down and cried. i came up to him and liked his tears and he smiled and hugged me and stroked me. then Lucinda threw another potion at me it turned backt so i hugged him properly. "it's alright Garroth we will find him" i smiled "you go i'll join you in a bit. i heard whimpering so i went over and saw a hurt wolf i went over to it  "hey there" i went and ripped a bit of my jacket and put on its leg and it ran off. i then i turned back into a puppy and went back to the lodge...

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