The Disguise

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Y/N pov.

As we got back to the lodge after searching more for Zane. then suddenly you saw then Garroth said "You look cute as a dog" and i bark. Wonder what the others will say about this. Then they saw me."puppy!!" Aph and kim squealed as aph picked me up as Ena started laughing as i tried to wiggle out as i barked let me go but they couldn't here me then Lucinda said" Aph thats Y/N" and she finally put me down "What did you do" Aaron growled and i barked and Aaron looked down at me. "i may ... have ... splashed her with a potion accidently" Lucinda said quickly "It will only last a day" then Aph started petting me and it felt nice no wonder dogs like this.Then she started to worry "So you didn't find Zane?" i shook my head as Aaron gave her a supportive smile then we went to are sleeping bags and i sat on the couch as i fell asleep


I woke up and went to stretch when i fell on the floor "oww" as i got up i saw that Aaron was awake "morning" I said as i yawned "Morning want to wake them so i can make pancakes(sorry if you don't like pancakes)"Yay pancakes" i shouted and i think everyone but Garroth woke up "That's one way to get everyone up" I giggled as Aaron left to make breakfast. i saw that Garroth was still asleep "what to do what to do" i Questioned myself then i knew what to do i but cream in his hand and got o horn "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" as he woke up he put the cream all over his face and i started having a laughing fit on the floor as Garroth stared at me "I will get you back."

As we sat down i could see Aph and Ena looked down i guess the whole Zane thing worries them so Aph said she's going to look round the cabin and i just nodded as Kim and Lucinda tried to get her to stay. "Just let her have time to herself" i say. I think Garroth went to get the internet done i hope anyway.

??? pov

i can make a disguise that will trick Garroth as he is so dumb maybe i can use him to annoy Y/N and trick Aaron and get laurence. perfect

???-Hey Garroth

Garroth-Hey Aph you look better

???-yeah i am errr much better

Garroth-I know losing Zanes been hard on you and me 

???-mumbless-so hes missing

Garroth-what was that

???- oh i um and just still upset that he has gone missing yes-sniffle-

Garroth- you should go inside Aaron has breakfast ready


i walked inside to the smell of.... BACON

Aaron pov.

i finished making the pancakes and Bacon and gave everyone a bit but realisedAph wasn't here "Hey wheres Aph?" i questioned then lucinda spoke up" she went to look for Zane again," then Y/N said "She just needs time" "i know but she needs to take a break. i will go look for her" "i will come to i know Aphs worried" i nodded and we went of and ran into Aph. 

Aaron- hey Aph

Aph(???)-oh hey Aaron

Y/N- how are you doing 

Aph(???)- thoughts-perfect two in one place- i am still umm very upset about Zane yeah

Aaron- we know, we will find him now lets eat

Aph(???)- A-Aaron wait umm is laurence  here

Y/N- hes back home remember (she looked at me and Aaron weirdly but i will go with it)

Aph(???)- Can we go outside i think i saw Zane

Aaron- okay lets make it quick the storms getting worse

Garroth pov

i finally finished helping the internet guy so i decided to clear the path of snow when Zane came and i hugged him 

Garroth-where have you been

Zane- get off me ahhh

Garroth-whats wrong brother

Zane- who are you and how do you know my name

Garroth- im your brother Garroth

Zane starts laughing - your not my brother

Garroth- its me Garoth your brother

Zane- nice to meet you but i am not your brother

in the lodge

Lucinda- Hey Aph did you see Aaron

Aph- no why

Kim- he went looking for you a while ago

Aph- i'll go look-

Lucinda- no he will come back soon now eat girl

Aph- ok

Y/N pov in the forest

Y/N- where is he

Aph(???)- this way...

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