The fight

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play song when i tell you ( credit goes to Aphmau)

Ena pov

we heard Zane shouting brother and went towards it then Zane saw us

Z- you

KG- oh Zane my love i

E- stop hes afraid of us we need to use the potion

KG- but

E- he will run of if we run at him


i walked towards him 

Z-stay back brother told me to stay away from you things

E- Zane pls remember me i am your friend  i want more

Z- you are an annoying thing that i don't want to be with- i felt like crying but i stayed strong 

E- how am i annoying- i let a tear roll down my cheek

Z- your not i i like you.... a ....a lot

K- sounds as if he is breaking through- he likes me i don't know what to say

KG- his eyes quick use the potion before it becomes permanent- i snapped out of my thoughts

E- fight it Zane- he ran and got a branch and ran at me with it i threw the potion and he fell to the floor we went beside him

Z- this was all a dream right? Aph brother?

E- just rest- he laid down

K- i can't imaging doing through that

E- lets carry him back and catch up with Y/N and Aaron- she nodded as we lifted him

Y/N pov

i was running when i saw Aaron and felt it is not just us. Aaron saw me as we looked into the forest waiting for something

Y- we're not alone

L- what- wolves came and surrounded us 

Aa- let us pass- the growled

L- what are they doing

Y- there obeying the Alpha and beta 

L- can't you do anything

A- no they have to obey 

Y- the only thing we can do is fight

L- ok- luci got cut of by being pushed by a wolf and losing sight of her wand but then the wolf girl and boy stopped them attacking

Wl/M-go we will keep them at bay- so me and Aaron ran of there was only one direction to go so we ran until we saw Ein with Aph and Ivy with Garroth

I/E- so your alive barely- i didn't know what to say i looked at Gar-nothing to say what about to him/her

Aa/Y- let her/him go

E- you can't talk Aph, Garroth do not fail again- he gave a knife to Aph while Ivy gave one to Garroth

A/G- i will not

they came charging at us but me and Aaron grabbed ther hands which made me drop the potio and i looked at Garroths eye as he was struggling and saw it was black i got so angry i screamed and so did Aaron. Gar and Aph looked scared 

Play song(A/n i'm not good at fight scenes)

Y/Aa- YOU DID THIS- we said looking at Ein and Ivy and they started running so we ran after them

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