First Blush

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*Nancy Pov*

The tropicana queen si makng noisy again when she woking up the others and i sleep and when i open my eyes someone on the top of me it was cute ears "Nancy wake up or else i'm going to kiss you"she said to me and she laughing at me and i wan't to laugh to because her ears is so tiny and i tease him"Aww you're ears is so cute HAHAHAHAHA"I laugh heard and"Shut up"she said to me and someone is coming to my room and i kick her stomach and she ended to the floor"Nancy-yah! Go downstairs now you're not in there... what daisy doing on the floor?"Jooe ask me i said "I don't know" I lied "Ohh... okay go downstairs now and wake daisy-yah!" She said to me.
I help Daisy to stand and she hold my wrist and touching her stomach while were walking donstairs

" i'm going to the kitchen" i said to Daisy

She nod

When i'm in the kitchen i see Yeonwoonnie and i feel my cheeks
arw birning

OMG MY FACE IS BURNING! I said to my self

"Nancy-yah" she called me and my face blushing harder

"Nancy-yah are sick why you're face is red?" She ask me

"Uhhmm... uh.. no i'm not sick i'm okay" i lie to her

"Are you sure or you're blushing?" She teased me
I look ate her and i said
"Yah! Unni stop teasing me i'm not blushing" i said to her and she giggle and she wink at me and my face its now burning again i blushed harder

"SStop it Unnie! You make me blush!"
O my god i say it loud! I said to my self

"See your lying you're blushing" she teased me again
I rolled my eyes while pilling a tangerine and she stood up and wants to join the others watching movie and i saw samething in her jeans

"Unnie" i said and looked at me

"What?" She said

"You have somthing dirt in your jeans" I said to her and i tried to remove the mess in her jeans but its to hard

"Aenan i'm going to change and she winked at me" she said

She called me AENAN! OMAYGOD I'M GOING TO DIE! I said to my self

"O..okay" i said and my face is burning agin like a tomato

"You look so cute when you're blushing jagiya"she teased me

"Shut up get out now" i said and she giggled and go to the others
Then i go too to the other members and there's no any seat and i seat beside Yeonwoo and Daisy

"Why you took so long?" Daisy asked me

"Nothing.. i just talk to Yeonwoo" I said to her

"Okay"  She said to me

And Hyebin unnie said " Who wants buy some food?"

They all stood up and buy some foods except me and Yeonwoonnie and i said to Yeonwoonnie

" Why you don't go to them?" I ask her

" Nah.. i'm tired because you're not going too" she teas me and laughing at me

*Yeonwoo Pov*

Nancy ask me why i'm not go too to them i said

"Nah.. i'm tired because you're not going too" I teas her and she is blushing already.. she didn't know i like her she so cute when she is blushing and she said to me

"Yah! Don't teas me look at my face is turning a tomato!" She shouted at me and i laughed

"You're so cute when you're blushing... You look like my red heart"
I tease her again she is so cute when she got mad at me i think she likes me too

"SHUT UP! I'm going to heart attack" were laughed hard and i ask her a question

"Nancy i have a question first give me you're answer first yes or no?"

I ask her..

"Not fair give the question first" She said to me and i said to her

"No i don't give my question to you id you don't pick one" i said to her

"Fine Yes yes yes yes yes happy now?" She said to me

A/N: Sorry if a short story i'm going to update and what is the question of Yeonwoo? Yaw excited? Follow me i will update soon Thank you! I love you NanWoo shippers!

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