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*Nancy's Pov*
At night Daisy unnie leave me in my room to take a sleep because tommorow we have a comeback Only one you and i sleep and i hear footsteps comming to my room and open the door i think it's Daisy unnie she kiss me on forhead and said

"I'm sorry Nancy it's all my fault but i always love you but you don't love me anymore because Taeha kissed me when i'm sleeping and i woke up your crying in front of us i explained to you right but you said it's over.... but it's not over because i love you so much Nancy i love you..." someone said to me and my tears are falling down i think that's Yeonwoonnie

"Yeonwoonnie?" I called her

"Uhhh y-y-yes?" She answered me and i gave him a tigh hug

"I love you too but it hurts i love you as a friend" i said to her

"Sooo.. we're friends now?" She asked me

"Not sure just go to your room and sleep because we have a comeback tommorow remember?" I said to her

"Ohh yeah.. hehe good night Nancy"she said to me and closed the door and i sleep too

At 5 am

I woke up and i saw Daisy staring at me

"Ohh hey Daisy unnie good morning" i said to her

"Ohh... hey good morning Nancy let's go downstairs our food it's already" Daisy unnie said and hold my hand

"Ohh okay let's go" i said to Daisy unnie we walk forwoard to the living room while holding our hand.. And i saw someone flirting with Yeonwoonnie

"Uhh Nancy seat besides me" Daisy unnie said to me

"Okay"  i answer

"Here eat som kimchi Aenan" Daisy unnie said to me

"Thank you Unnie"i said to Daisy unnie

After we eat we're just staring and smilling

"Daisy unnie Nancy why you tso are staring and smilling?" Jooe unnie asked me

"Ohh.. uhhhmm Nothing" Daisy unnie answered Jooe unnie

"Why your faces are red are you two dating?" Jooe unnie asked

"Uhh no we're not dating" i answered

"Why your faces looked tomato" Jooe unnie asked while laughing us

"Nothing we're just uhhh.. umm you know eat some spicy" unnie Daisy lied to Unnie Jooe

"Ohh okay just have fun" Jooe unnie said to us

"Uhh Daisy unnie i'm going to our couch you comming?" I asked Daisy unnie

"Sure i'll promise to you i'm always in your side remeber what i said last night?" Daisy unnie said to me

"Ohh yeah i remember that Unnie" i answered

"Let's go?" She ask me and hold my hand

"Sure" i answered  and we walk forwoard to the couch and i saw someone holding their hands and taking a picture Yeonwoonnie kiss Taeha's forhead and my heart feels hurt so much

"Uhh Nancy are you okay?" Daisy unnie asked me

"Unnie i'm going to take a shower" i said to Daisy unnie

"Okay" Daisy unnie said to me

*Daisy's Pov*

She walk forwoard to her room and i followed her

"Nancy are you okay?" I asked her

"Unnie it's hurt" she said to me and she started crying

"Don't cry don't cry just don't look at them" i said to her and gave him a big hug and kiss him on the forhead and she hug me back

"Unnie.. i'm going to my bathroom to take a shower take a shower to unnie.." she said to me and kiss me on the cheek i blush hard

"Ohh yeah... hehehe" i said to her and leave her and i take a shower too

Anyminute i finish showering

"Daisy what's wrong to Nancy?" Yeonwoonnie asked me

"She is crying because of you it's your fault unnie you hurt her heart and her feelings" i said to her and walk away

I walk forwoard Nancy's room and i knocked

"Nancy are you finish?" I asked her

"Ohh yes unnie i'm finish" she answered and i opened the door

"You look so pretty Nancy" i said to her

"Thank you unnie you look pretty too" she said to me

"T-thanks" i said to her while i'm blushinb

"Let's go downstairs unnie" she said to me and hold my hand and i hold her hand back

"Ohh yeah let's go" i answered her we walk forwoard downstairs and Nancy slide and i quick catched her

"New love Teaaaaam!" They all said except Taeha and Yeonwoonnie and we're just staring any minute
It's quiet Hyebin unnie clapped and we both fall and i'm of the top of Nancy's body and i blushed so hard

"Ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" They al said except for Yeonwoonnie i think she is jelly
I stood up and help Nancy to stand

"I'm sorry Nancy"  i said to her

"It's okay unnie" she said to me and smile sweetly

"Hey Nancy don't make someone jellyJooe said

"Ohh yeah don't make someone jelly Nancy" i teased him
And Nancy notice Taeha kisses Yeonwoo on the lips and Yeonwoo push quick Taeha

"Taeha don't kiss me i have someone it's not you!" Yeonwoonnie yelled at Taeha and Nancy walk up stairs i followed Nancy to her room

"Nancy i know it hurts i think Yeonwoonnie found someone i think that's you" i said to Nancy

"No she have someone it's not me" she said and cried hard

"Shhhhh don't cry i think that's you" i said to her

"No it's not me unnie it's Taeha" she said while crying i hug her
And she hug me back

"Don't worry someone likes you" i said to her

"Why she doesn't tell me" she said to me

"Because she is hugging you" i said to me and break the hug

"Huh" she said

"I said i like you" i said to her

"W-what?" She asked again

"I said I LI.." she cut me

"I like you too" she said and she gave me a kiss on the cheek

"Nancy" i said to her and pulled her hand and we both fell on the bed our face is closer

"I-i-i-i love you Aenan" i said to her

"I love you too unnie" she said to me and i kiss  her on the lips and she kiss me back i'm asking for a entrance but she didn't open her mouth

"I'm not ready unnie" she said to me

"Okay" i said to her

Someone is coming to Nancy's room and opened the door

"Nancy Daisy......." Yeonwoonnie called us but she run to her room
We stop kissing Nancy

A/N:sorry if my updates are too slow because i'm making a new chapter in My Three Bestfriends Loves me please read my new story just wait the next chapter guys byee DaiNcy shippers and NanWoo shippers!

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