The five Questions

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*Yeonwoo's Pov*
I ask my one question of her i said "My first question is... M i Pretty?"
We laugh hard Nancy fell to the floor while laughing

"What is that your question?" She said to me

"Yes.. but i have 4 question left" I said to Nancy

"What?! Why?" She said to me

"Because i have a five yes do you remember what you said after i ask you if yes or no? You said fine yes yes yes yes yes happy now? You said to me and i have 4 left questions" I said to her and wink to her

"What is your question for the 4 one?" She said to me

"I'll keep it that's a secret" I said to her and winked at her and....
Her face is turning red blushing again so cuteeeeeee

"So cute" i said to my self

"What is that Unnie" She said to me wait a minute... i said that loud... Nevermind it's true she is so cute like a cupcake

"Uhh.. uh.. N-nothing" I said to her but i can't lie...

"What is it Unnie tell me please don't lie"She said to and she pouted at me.. omg she is so cute i think i'm going to say to her

"You know i can't lie.. okay i'm gonna tell you the truth" I said to her but..

"Hello Nancy and Yeonwoo" Hyebin Unnie said

"Hello Unnie" Nancy said

"Let's eat guys we have a pizza" Hyebin unnie said they're all eat except me because i'm not starving but someone come to me and said

"Unnie why you don't eat som pizza?" Nancy said to me

"I'm not hungry" I said to her

"Come on eat pizza for me if you don't eat you're gonna starv later in our practice" She said to me and pouted at me my face is burning..

"Okay i'll eat that pizza if you kiss me on the cheek" I teas her and i laugh

"Fine don't look at my face" And she kiss me on the cheek and she notice my face is red

"Unnie are you blushing? You're face turning red" She said to me and she laugh at me

"! I'm not blushing my marshmallow"I teas him and said

"Just eat the pizza" She said to me and i laugh at her

"Guys let's play a spin the bottle!" Hyebin unnie said and the other member have fun and Hyebin unnie spin the bottle and landed on Jooe

"Jooe truth or dare?" Hyebin unnie ask Jooe

"Dare" Jooe said

"Kiss on the cheeks you're first crush" Hyebin unnie sai and Jooe walk forwoard to hyebin unnie and kiss her on the cheek we all said

"Ayieeeeee!" We said and Jooe spin the bottle landed on me... why me??!! I said to my self

*Nancy's Pov*

Jooe spin the bottle landed on yeonwoo

"Yeonwoonnie truth or dare?" Jooe unnie ask Yeonwoonnie and yeonwoonnie said

"D...d...dare"Yeonwoonnie said while she is  nervious

"Take your crush in your bedroom in 5 minutes" Jooe said

"Okay" She stood up and walking forewoard on me and she take my hand to go to her bedroom no.. my face is turning red again!
And she take me in her room and i said

"What were gonna do in you're room?" I ask her and she said

"I'm gonna tell you my fourth question" She said to me

"What is your fourth question" i ask to her

"My fourth question is.. uh.. uhmm.. Do you wanna sleep with me later?" She said to me and i said to her

"Ofcourse" I answered her and she is blushing

"Uhmm i'm gonna tell you my 3rd question" She said to me and i ask her what is her 3rd question and she said

"I l...l....l....... I LIKE YOU DO YOU LIKE ME TOO?!" She ask me and OMG SHE LIKES MEEEEEE!

*No one's Pov*
Yeonwoo ask Nancy if she like her too
And Hyebin heared Yeonwoo and said

"Did you hear that?"Hyebin ask to the members and said

"Yes we heard" They all heard Yeonwoo's voice Hyebin said go to Yeonwoo's room and don't make a nois

"Let's go to Yeonwoo's room and don't make a nois let see what they're doing in her room"Hyebin said to the members and they all agreed and they go to Yeonwoo's room and they open the door careful and Yeonwoo and Nancy didn't notice their watching them

"i like you do you like me too"Yeonwoo ask nancy if she like her and the girls saying ayiieee in their mind and Nancy said he likes him too

"Y..y..yes i like you too"Nancy said to Yeonwoo and Yeonwoo stand up and walking forwoard to Nancy and Nancy walking backword and Nancy didn't know the wall is behind her..

"Unnie wha.. what are you d..d..doing?" Nancy ask Yeonwoo
Yeonwoo put her hand on Nancy's face

"I love you Aenan" Yeonwoo said to Nancy while Nancy is blushing like a tomato and Yeonwoo give a kiss on Nancy's lips

And Jooe's rang her alarm in celphone and said

"LOVEBIRDS TIMES UP!"And the others make some noises the two shock they don't know they're watching them

"Did you guys watching us?"Yeonwoo ask them and said

"Yeah we hear your voice and we go to your room and we all watching you two!"Hyebin said while laughing they all scram NanWoo


A/N:Wait the next chapter i will update you...
Nanwoo Nanwoo Nanwoo byeee
Nanwoo shippers thank you for reading my stories!

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