First Kiss

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*Yeonwoo's Pov*
Nancy trying to catch me but we both fell to the bed now she is the top of my body our face it's so close and i kiss her

"Love you" Nancy said to me

"I love you too" i said to her and someone walking to our room

"GUYS WHAT doing?" Hyebin and Daisy said

Nancy break the kiss quickly while Hyebin unnie saw us

"Uhh.. N-nothing" we both said

"Don't lie we notice you two are kissing right?" Hyebin said

"I need a CPR! so you two are kissing now?!" Daisy asked

"Uhhhhmmmm... No we're not kissing it's accident" Nancy lied

"Are you sure? It's thst right Yeonwoo?" Hyebin unnie ask me

"Uhhhh...." i'm not saying anything

"Daisy get the lie ditector here" Hyebin unnie said

"WAIT!.." Nancy and I said

"Yeonwoonnie kiss me" Nancy said

"Yah we're kissing so we're lieng sorry hyebin unnie" I said

"O MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!" Hyebin unnie and Daisy yelled

"What happend?!" They all come to our room

"Nancy and Yeonwoo are KISSING! Hyebin unnie said

"REALLLLYYYYY?!" They all ask like a baby monster

"Why you don't ask them" Daisy said

"It's true you two are kissing now?!" Jooe ask

"Uhmm..." Nancy said while blushing

"Yes we're kissing" i said

They all scream like a baby monster and a big wolf

*Nancy' Pov"

They all screamed like a baby after that finally they all quiet

"Hyebin unnie i'm going to sleep yal comming unnie?" JooE said to Hyebin unnie

"Yeah i'm going to sleep to my eyes are tired" Hyebin unnie said

"I'm going to sleep too" Daisy said

They all go to their room except me and Yeonwoonnie

"Nancy Yeonwoo yall comming?" Nayun said

"Nancy why you don't sleep now?" Yeonwoonnie ask me

"I can't sleep" I said

"Why?" Yeonwoonnie asked me

"Because i don't want to sleep" i laugh

Nayun leave us Yeonwoonnie hold my hand and said

"Let's go to our room" Yeonwoonnie said tome

"Okay" i said

We walk upstairs and go to our room Yeonwoonnie close the door and my body fell to the bed and pick my phone Yeonwoonnie did the same and someone texted me


                                        Lee Dabin
Lee Dabin: Nancy sleep now

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