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*Nancy's Pov

"What?!" I said to Yeonwoonnie

"Hahaha i said can i go there to get my phone?" Yeonwoonnie ask me

"No" i answered

"Okay later i'm gonna take my there okay" Yeonwoonie said

"Okay.. Unnie someone is calling" I said

"Who is it" Yeonwoonnie ask

"It's Hyebin unnie" i said

"Ohh no if i didn't answer that Hyebin will kill me" Yeonwoonnie said to me

"Okay go here but don't look at me" I said to Yeonwoonnie

Yeonwoo walking forwoard in the bathroom while close her eyes and she slide in a weat floor and i catch her if i not catch her her head will damage

"Ahh.... t-thanks" Yeonwoonnie said to me while looking me up and down

"Uhhhh! Don't look at me get your phone and get out here!" I yelled her

"Ohh yeah.. uhh sorry Aenan" she said to me while blushing and she go to our bed and when i'm finish taking a shower and i wear a blue croptop jacket

And i close the door someone wearing a white jacket and blue short

"Hello Aenan" Yeonwoonnie said to me

"Hello Dabin unnie" I said

"Nancy Yah!~ can you help me to Hyebin unnie?" Jooe said to me

"Sure tropicana queen" I said while laughing at Jooe i think she need help to make blush Hyebin unnie

"Mallow wait! Before you go i forgot my 2nd question" Yeonwoonnie said to me

"Ohh yeah what is it?" I ask her

"Wanna date with me tommorow?" Yeonwoonnie ask

"Uh.. Y-yes Sure Dabin unnie" I said to Yeonwoonnie while blushing

"Nancy yah let's goooooooooooooooooooo~" Jooe said to me

" ohh yeah right lets go" i said to Jooe

We go downstairs and Jooe said

"Nancy please don't tell anyone this is a secret" Jooe said to me

"Okay" i said to Jooe

"I like Hyebin unnie" she said to me

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?" I wishpered

"Yeah hehe i like Hyebin can you help me?" Jooe ask me

"OFCOURSE!" I said to her

*Hyebin's Pov*

Someone walking toward to me my heart beating so fast and i'm blushing

"Hello hyebin unnie" Jooe said to me

"H-hello Jooe" I said to Jooe while i'm blushing

"Hyebin unnie Jooe want to say something" Nancy said to me

"What is it?" I ask Jooe

"Uhh... w-w-wanna go to.. t-the park later" Jooe said while blushing

"S-sure Aenan" i said to her and wink at her and she blush her face like a apple with blonde hair and i kiss her on the cheek

"JOOBIN JOOBIN JOOBIN!" They all screamed Joobin

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