Just Friends

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*Yeonwoo's pov*
They all leave except me and Nancy and someone texted me it as Daisy

Daisy:Have fun!
Yeonwoo:wait? Why you all leaving?
Daisy:just have fun with your dormmate bye
Yeonwoo:hey! Answer me!
                          Seen by Daisy at 2:30pm

She just seened me and someone break the quiet

"Summer!" Nancy called summer and gave him a kiss after kissing summer. Summer go to me and gave me a kiss to that was a indirect kiss my fave is turning red

Summer want to play with me and i stand up were rolling and she push me and i fell on Nancy

"I'm sorry Nancy i'm very sorry" i said to her

"Forgiven unnie" answered me i missed her calling me unnie

Summer sit on the middle of the couch and summer lick nancy's cheecked and lick my cheeck too

What's wrong with summer i'm not training her i think someone trained her i don't know how to train a dog my mind said someone waving her hand infront of my face

"Unnie are u okay?" Nancy ask me

"O-o yeah i'm okay" i answered her

My face is turning red i feel my cheeks are burning Summer and Nancy are playing on the couch i'm watching them and smiling at them i miss my Nancy

"Nancy can we talk?" I ask her while my hear beating so fast

"Okay" she answered me

I hold her hands and walk forward to my room and i feel my cheecks are burning and my heart beating so fast i'm so nervious. And were on my room i close the door and lock it if someone home they can't open the door because i want to ask Nancy some privacy

"Soo what were gonna talk about?" Nancy asked me

"Do you remember last month? That were being sweet and clingy last month do you remember that? I miss our sweet moments Nancy and i'm sorry if.. i kissed Taeha last day because i drunk and i'm sorry if your heart hurt"

I said to her while my tears are falling down just like her so were crying because i don't want to hurt Nancy again i'm still loving her i wish she is still loving me

"Y..y..y-yeah i-i remember t-that unnie" she said to me while her tears are falling down

"Nancy do you still love me?" I said to her

"Yes i'm still loving ypu but you have someone" Nancy said to me while crying

"Yes i have someone it's you Nancy your the someone who are really still loving" i said to her while crying

I hug Nancy tight because i miss her all i love him so much
And she hug me back too

"I love tou Nancy i want us back" i said

"I love you so much Yeonwoonnie as a friend because i'm not ready for you because ypur going to hurt me again" she said to me

"No no no i'm not gonna hurt you again promise Nancy i'll promise that your still in my heart i love you so much Nancy I LOVE YOU NANCY!" I shouted

"I love more unnie as my Girlbestfriend?" She asked

"No i like you not a Bestfriend i want you as my Girlfriend" i answered

"No unnie i'm not ready were just friends okay your my Girlbestfriend" she said

"Remove the Best please"i said

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