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*Yeonwoo's Pov*
We sleep at Nancy's room and my phone is ringing and i woke up and pick up the phone Hyebin is calling me and said

"Ye...Yeonwoo I have a bad news..." Hyebin said to me

"What is it?.. wait are you crying?" I said to Hyebin and i started crying to but i recognize Nancy is not here..

"T...take a bath and go to the hospital quick" Hyebin said to me whike she is crying

"Wait nancy is in the hospita! Omg!!! Nancy please don't leave me please stay with me" i said to my mind

"Wait Nancy is in the hospital?!" I ask Hyebin

"Y..y..y... yes Nancy is here to the hospital quicj take a bath now!" Hyebin yelled at me and she call ended

I quick take a bath and fast go to the hospital while i'm crying

                                          *At the Hospital*
I called Hyebin and i ask where is Nancy's room

"Hyebin where is Nancy's room? I'm here to the hospital" I ask Hyebin while i'm crying

"Go to the second floor quick!" Hyebin said to me

I run to Nancy's room when i see her i cry hard

"Nancy yah!?" I said to Nancy but her eyes are close

"Nancy yah!? Please don't leave us we are your family Nany wake up! Nancy wake" I said

"Ye.. ye.. Yeonwoo the doctor want to say to you" Jooe said to me

"Doc what is it?! Tell me what is it!" I said to the doctor while i'm crying

"Ye....yeo...Yeonwoo... Yeonwoo.... she h..ha...h..had a.... a.. am... amnesia. Sorry Yeonwoo" doctor said to me

"W..w..What?!!" I said to the doctor

"N...n...nooooo! Nancy don't don't forget us pleaseee!" I said to Nancy

When i'm awake i said

"NANCY!" I said Nancy said to me

"What? Do you have a bad dream?" Nancy said to me

*Nancy's Pov*
I woke Yeonwoo's voice she is dreaming and said

"Nancy do don't leave me please!" Yeonwoo said while sleeping i think she had nightmare

"Yeonwoo Yeonwoo wake up! Wake up! Yeonwoonnie wake up!" I said to Yeonwoonnie while i'm shaking her hand and shoulder and she woke up and said

"NANCY!" She said

"Do you have a bad dream Yeonwoonnie?" I ask Yeonwoonnie and said

"Nancy please don't leave me" she said while crying

"I won't. I'm not gonna leave you.. stop crying you like a baby" i teas her

"I thought you're gonna leave me and forget me" Yeonwoo said to me

"I'm not gonna forget you you are my lovely best friend" i said to her and give him a hug

"Thank you Nancy i love you" Yeonwoo said to me i'm not sure if i love you or i miss you i don't know what she said

"What is that Yeonwoonnie?" I ask her

"Uhmm.. uhh.. N-nothing Jagiya" She said to me and wink at me

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