Pocky Challenge

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*Yeonwoo's pov"

Till Nancy and i wal.k downstairsand our bandmates teasing us

"Are you two are going to date?" Jooe ask

"N-" Nancy said but i cut her off

"Yes were going to date" i said while looking Nancy

"Ayyyiiiiie!" Nayun said

"Yeonwoonnie be careful in my mom" Ahin said

"Don't worry child i will protect her because i lobe her so much no one can't touch her except you guys" i said

"Yeonwoo do you remember when were playing spin the bottle and landed on you and i said that your going to challenge Nancy a pocky stick?" She said with teasing Voice

"Ohh yeah we will do it later" i said and wink at Nancy

"Are you sure you will protect my Bestfriend to the bad guys?" Jooe ask

"Ofcourse trust me Jooe i will protect you beautiful bestfriend" i said

"AYYYIIIIE!" They all screamed

"Okay you two need to go your going to late and have fun YeonNaen please give Nancy a flowers and teedy bear and chocolate" Taeha said

"Ofcourse she will do that Tae tae she is her girlfriend you know" Daisy teased Nancy

"Hey she is not my girlfriend she is just my friend" Nancy said

"Okay guys we need to go byee" i said and hold Nancy's hand and walk forward to my car

I opened the door for Nancy whe Nancy get in on the car i close it and i opened the oder door of the car and get in i drove thw car to the fancy restaurant

"Where are we going?" She ask

"To the restaurant" i said

"What? You said we're going to my school friends?" She ask

"Later let's eat first" i said and she just nod we walk to the fancy restaurant and wait the waiter

"Why we go here to the restaurant is so fancy" she ask

"Do you remember that i ask you to a date but we broke so were going to date now" i said and wink at her

"What we're not together yet your not my girlfriend" she said

"Were together already" i said

"But were broke up" she said

"Forget that we're broke up my heart still saying that i'm going to love you again" i said and the waiter come to us

"What is your orther maam" the waiter ask

"Nancy you first to order" i said and wink at her

"Is she your girlfriend maam?" The waiter ask while smiling

"N-" Nancy trying to say no but i cut her again

"Yes she is my Girlfriend why?" I said the waiter remove her hat and face mask

"Wow Nancy you have a grilfriend already i'm proud of you!" Waiter said

"Brenda? Unnie? Brenda unnie! Your back" she said and hug her sister

"Yeonwoo plan this to surprise you" Brenda said

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