Spin The bottle

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*No One's Pov*
They scream NanWoo and they are so loud and they continue playing spin the bottle and they going downstairs. YeonWoo spin the bottle and landed on Hyebin.

"Hyebin Unnie Truth or Dare?" Yeonwoo ask Hyebin

"Stop calling me Unnie we are same age your 22 you know... Dare" Hyebin said to Yeonwoo

"Okay okay i'll stop calling you Unnie... Btw give you're crush a big kiss on the cheek and make him blush" Yeonwoo said to Jooe while laughing

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!" Hyebin said to Yeonwoo while Hyebin is blushing

"Just do it" Yeonwoo said to Hyebin while laughing

Hyebin stood up and walk fowoard to Jooe and give him a kiss on the cheek. While Jooe is blushing the others said

"JooBin! JooBin! JooBin! JooBin!" The others said to Jooe and Hyebin

"We have a two loveteams here!" Daisy said to them

Hyebin spin the bottle and landed on TaeHa

"TaeHa Truth or Dare?" Hyebin ask Taeha

"Dare.." Taeha said to Hyebin

"Kiss your first crush" Hyebin said to Taeha

Taeha walk forwoard to Yeonwoo and give him a kiss on the cheek... Nancy is being jelous on Taeha. While Nancy is so quiet and Daisy notice her...

"Boring... kiss him on the lips" Hyebin said to Taeha

Taeha give him a kiss on the lips and Yeonwoo notice Nancy is so quiet and yeonwoo quick push Taeha backwoard

"Yeonwoo you know someone is hurting" Daisy said to Yeonwoo

"I know" Yeonwoo said to Daisy and while giving a teas glare to Nancy

Taeha spin the bottle and landed to Daisy

"Daisy yah Truth or dare?" Taeha ask Daisy

"Uhmmm... uhh Dare?" While Daisy is so nervious to the question

"Kiss your crush on the lips" Taeha said to daisy

"What the..." Daisy said to Taeha

"Dooooooo iiiiiitttt!" Taeha said to Daisy while laughing

Daisy walk forwoard to Nancy while Daisy ahd Nancy are blushing. Daisy give him a kiss on the lips.. after that their both blushing but someone is jelly

"Someone is Jelly! Nancy yah! Don't make Yeonwoo jelly" Jooe said to Nancy

Daisy spin the bottle landed on Nancy

"Uhh.. Mallow Truth or dare?" Daisy ask Nancy while laughing

"Heyyy! Don't call me marshmallow!... Dare" Nancy said to Daisy

"Kiss Yeonwoo" Daisy said to Nancy while laughing

Nancy walk forwoard to Yeonwoo and gave him a kiss. While Yeonwoo is blushing they al scream Nanwoo

"NANWOO NANWOO NANWOO NANWOO NANWOO!" They all said except for Taeha

Nancy spin the bottle and landed on Nayun

"Nayunnie make your crush blush and kiss him" Nancy said to Nayun.

While Nayun is blushing and walk forwoard to Taeha and make him blush and kiss hin on the nose

10 minutes later they all finish playing spin the bottle

At Night

*No One's Pov*

They all stand up and go to their bed to sleep and Yeonwoo hold Nancy's hand and said

"Let's sleep in you're room" Yeonwoo said to Nancy while Nancy is blushing..

"Uhh.. uh... O-okay" Nancy said to Yeonwoo while blushinng

A/N:Sorry for short story because my head hurts hehe😅
But wait for the next chapter Byeee nanwoo shippers!

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