Best Friends

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*Nancy's Pov*
Iheard someone called us whe Daisy kiss me

"Daisy...Nancy..." i heard someone called us and saw us she close the door and walk away Daisy unnie and i break the kiss and Daisy unnie look t8 the door

"Unnie who is that?" I ask Daisy unnie

"I don't know.... i think it's Yeonwoonnie.." she said to me

"Let me check it"  i said to Daisy unnie

"No don't check it... i'm sorry when i kiss you it was an accident because my heart said to me that i'm going to kiss you i'm sorry mallow" Daisy unnie explained

"It's okay unnie your my super best friend you know do you know whi is my ship?" I ask Daisy unnie

"Who?" Daisy unnie ask

"You and Jane unnie" i said to her and laugh and she start blushing

"Ayiiish.... that girl... is allergic in kissing u can't kiss her but i like her" Daisy unnie said

"Ayieee ur so cute when your blushing spiccially your ears" i teas him and laughed

"Thank you.. ohh its Yeonwoo" she said

"Where?!" I said

"Gotcha! See you loved Yeonwoo" she said

"No i dont!" I lied

"Mallow don't lie to me you know lying is bad right i know you love him" she said to me

"Yeah i loved her but.... she love someone else" i said

"Don't sorry my ship is not gone ya know" she said to me

"Thats not true" i said in no reaction

"I will check Yeonwoonnie if she okay.." Daisy unnie said to me

"Okay" i said and she leave me

*Yeonwoo's Pov*
Whe i saw Nancy and Daisy are kissing my tears fall and i leave them and go to my room and cried

"I'm a mees i'm a loser i'm a hater i'm a user... " i said to my mind and i sang
I'm a mess

Evreything is Messed up here lately pretty sure she don't want be my Baby oh she don't love me, she don't love me, she don't love me, she don't love me but i love Nancy, i love Nancy, i love Nancy but she love someone
Evrey things gonna be alright evrything gonna be okay it's gonna good good love my Bandmates say every things gonna be alright evrey things gonna be fine it's gonna be a good good love!
I'm a mess i'm a loser i'm a hater i'm a user i'm a mess for your love it ain't new i'm obsess i'm embrassed i don't trust around us i'm a mess for your love it ain't new

After i sang someone come to my room and said

"No your not a mess your not a loser your not a hatee your not a user" Daisy said to me

"Ohh hello Nancy's girlfriend" i said ro him while my tears are falling

"It was an accident were just friends now i don't want my ship gone i will help you to solo Nancy again" Daisy said and wipe my tears

"Thanks but..." i said

"But what? Don't worry unnie i will help you you are my bestfriend like Nancy you know" Daisy said to me

"Thanks Daisy i will help you too to solo your Jane" i teased her

"Haha that girl is so beauty" Daisy said to me

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