Lie Ditector

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*Hyebin's Pov*
Whike we're watching horror movie someone scared us it was Daisy and we scream someone fell on the floor and me and Jooe are hugging and we fell on the floor too and Nancy and Yeonwoo fell on the floor now she is on the top of Nancy's body we notice their blushing...

"Owww... Someone is blushing" Daisy said with her teasing voice

"What are you saying Daisy?" Yeonwoo ask Daisy

"I said you two are blushing" Daisy answered Yeonwoo

"We're not blushing unnie" Nancy said to Daisy

"Hyebin unnie did you buy the lie ditector and remebred what i said when we're in the market? Daisy said to me

"Ohhhh! Yeah! I rembered what you said to me you said can we buy the lie ditector? You ask to me and i said why? If someone lieng to us we didn't know if their lieng or not" i said to Daisy what i remebred we in the market last week

"Let's use the lie ditector if you two not lieng to us" I said to Nancy and Yeonwoo

I walk forwoard to the upstairs to take the lie ditector and i go to downstairs

"Yeonwoo take you're hand here" i said to Yeonwoo

"No! Nancy first" Yeonwoo said to me

"You first Yeonwoo! You''re older than Nancy" i said to Yeonwoo

"Okay..." Yeonwoo answered

I put her hand to the Lie ditector and i ask him

"Do you! Do you like me? Just kidding Do you like Nancy!?" I ask him

"Yes" she said to me and we all yelling like a crazy kids

"O my goooooood AYIEEEEEEEE!" We all yelled except Nancy and Yeonwoo

*Yeonwoo's Pov*

They all yelled like a kids and i notice someone is blushing
I hold Nancy's hand because i'm nervious i said to my self lie ditector say truth i said to my self i really like Nancy but Nancy didn't know and i said the truth

"Okay lets click the button" Jooe said

Hyebin click the button and the lie ditector is scanning my hand and my left hand hold to Nancy's hand and my eyes are close
The lie ditector scaned my hand and the bell ring beautyful it means it's true

"It's truth you like Nancy! Omg i need CPR" Daisy said and we all laughing at Daisy said

"So Nancy you know now Yeonwoo likes you" Jooe said to Nancy

"I notice somthing to Yeonwoo and Nancy" Nayun said

"Nancy do you have feeling somthing in your hand?"Jooe ask Nancy

And i look Nancy's hand their notice we're holding hands

"Ohh yeah hehehe i'm going to the bathroom any second" Nancy said to us while she is blushing

Nancy go to the bathroom and i followed her on the bathroom

"Nancy" I called her and i locked the door

"Yeonwoonnie?.. W-why are you here?" She ask me

"I'm here to ask you somthing" I said to her

"W..what is it Unnie?" Nancy ask me

"I like you you know and.... uhmm.. do you like me too?" I ask her and we're both started blushing

"Yes i like you...." Nancy said to me

I walk forwoard to him and i hold her hands my face is so close to her face and i started to kiss her on the lips and she kiss me back

I walk forwoard to him and i hold her hands my face is so close to her face and i started to kiss her on the lips and she kiss me back

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"I love you Nancy" i said to her

"I love too Unnie" Nancy said to me

We kiss in 3 minutes and someone knocking the door

"Hey lovebirds what are you doing there?! I need to pee!" Jooe

And we stop kissing

"Ohh no what we're gonna do now?" Nancy whisper

"Don't worry i got this i'm not gonna lie to Jooe" I open the door

"Don't say we're kissing!" Nancy wishpered

"Don't worry i'm not gonna tell the truth" i wishpered

I open the door and said

"What are you two doing here?!" Jooe ask while laughing

"We're just talking" i lied to Jooe

"Are you sure you two are talking? Jooe ask me

"Yes" i answered

"Why when i knocked the door it's so quiet?" Jooe ask

"Just go here and pee" i said to Jooe and i hold Nancy's hand to leave Jooe to the bathroom

"Let's go to our room" i wishpered Nancy and she nod

*Nancy's Pov*
Yeonwoo and I walk forwoard to our bedroom while holding my hand
Yeonwoo close the door and she notice my secret notebook

"Is that my name?" She ask me

"Ahh... N-no that's not your name Yeonwoonnie" i lied to her

"Let me open if that's my name" she said to me

"No! Give me my notebook" i said to her

"Catch me first!" Yeonwoonnie said to me and she ran

I run to get my notebook to her hand and we both fell to the bed now i'm the top of her body her face it was so close to my face
She start to kiss me on the lips

A/N:HELLO! NanWoo shppers enjoy the Story i hope you like it
Enjoy reading Nanwoo shippers! Wait the next chapter! Byeeeeeee😘

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