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"Well , this is the place ." Dylan said to those who joined him in rescuing Jen , the only one not there to help was Liz , as a responsible girl , she was told to stay back and help Lilly out . 

"This is a torn down house . Are you sure ?" Rowen asked as they all walked through the house , all they needed was one clue , one small clue . 

"Well they could have moved to a new location ." Dylan answered wiping the dusty paintings that still hung poorly on the wall . "Wait , I found something ." he bent down to the floor and moved a piece of concrete . "It's a hidden trap door ." He tried again and again to open it , eventually he resorted to his magic , something he wished he didn't need to use . "Come on guys , I'll be right behind you ." 

"It's so dark down here . " Fin said , trying to keep the noise to a minimum . 

"Hold on , I'll make light ." Dylan said but as he did , it brightened .

"No need to ." Melanie turned on a light , it was a large room with about 7 men , they all wore black hoods with a mask , covering their identities . Melanie didn't need to hide hers though . "You came for her right ?" She continued , walking to the center of the room where a metal cage was brought down , inside was a girl , she was seriously torn apart . Her clothes were ripped apart , she sat on a chair half naked , chained . Upon closer examination , Dylan , Fin , Rowen and Lewis could see it was Jen . 

"Jen ?!" Fin called out . Jen raised her head , she had a mouth guard on , as she saw Dylan she freaked out , it must have been because she knew that he was their goal . "What have you done to her ?!" 

"Oh you still don't know ? I though maybe you read all the letters ." Melanie said , putting on 6 inch black heels . "I'm surprised you came Dylan , I thought you were smarter than that since your father praised you so much ." She smirked , awaiting for his reaction .

"You knew my father ?" Dylan said with utter horror , he widened his eyes , and continued to stare at Melanie . 

"Knew him ? Oh no , we worked together , we were partners ." She pulled up a chair and sat down , crossing her legs . "We used to fuck too , until I discovered my body was purely made to only be touched by females ." 

Dylan stood frightened then he relayed a message to his students beside him using telepathy . "I'm going to attack Melanie , she seems to be the most powerful one here , Rowen and Lewis , you two will attack the other 7 followers . While we do that , Fin , you will run to save Jen , you're the fastest one here ." they nodded and they prepared to engage into battle . "Now ." 

Rowen stood far and used his bow an arrow while Lewis engaged in close combat , they seemed undefeatable . Dylan hit Melanie and she went flying across the room , "Now Fin !" he screamed as there was an opening . 

"I'll get you out of here Jen ." Fin said confidently while ripping apart the chains . 

"You know , you sure have grown Fin ." Jen said as he took off her mouth guard . 

"I should be saying that to you , I am older after all ." Fin gave a cocky reply which sure made Jen smile even more . He grabbed her and they ran , half way Fin fell again . Jen turned back around and saw the blood he was coughing up , she looked terrified . "Run Jen , don't worry about me !" He continued to cough . She was so scared she didn't seem to move an inch .

"I can't leave you ." Jen cried and stood in front of him not knowing what to do . 

"How lovely !" Melanie said dodging all the attacks Dylan hit her with , he was trying not to use so much magic due to using it so much in the past few days , he could run out of stamina and die . "Now stay down ." Melanie kicked Dylan , he rolled all the way to the other side of the room where Lewis and Rowan had defeated the others . "Fin , I hope you got that wound checked out , it could be deadly since I scrapped your heart ." She stared at him with her hands on her hips .

"Fin , what's she talking about ?" Jen asked sadly . 

"When she stabbed me , at the time we didn't know but I have splinters in my heart now , it was left behind from the wooden stake ." Fin said before becoming weak , now he laid on the floor , trying to bare the pain till they could get to a hospital . 

"I won't let you suffer ." Dylan said , getting up slightly . 

"You still got fight huh ?" Melanie said frustratingly . 

"I'm not going to fight you ." Dylan raised his hand , his magic locked onto Fin . "I only have enough just for you to make it ." Dylan used his teleportation to transport Fin to the nearest hospital . "I hope you got there Fin ." 

"Bravo !" A man came out from behind a bunch of boxes , was he hiding on purpose ? His face wasn't visible , he looked like the rest , black robe and a steal mask . 

"How ? Where did you come from ?" Dylan looked shocked and just this mans presence brought him such fear . How did Dylan not notice his presence ? This guy had to be the boss . 

A happy ending - Dylan's regretWhere stories live. Discover now