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Dylan could no longer talk , he couldn't ask any question or even try to change his dads mind . They sat there until Logan remembered that Dylan could no longer speak , "Here ." He passed some paper and a pen over across the table to Dylan . "Please write what ever you need to on here ." 

Dylan grabbed the pen and began to write . "Dad , I understand you want mom back but why destroy the world ?" he passed it back to his dad and sat listening for more of his excuses . In that moment Dylan remembered all the times his dad promised to do stuff , not one promise he kept , it hurt Dylan . After his mom died his dad grew even more distant and Dylan was forced to be responsible for himself . He had an older sister , but she died , or so that's what he heard . 

"Listen my boy . I don't like this world , so I want to start a new one ." Logan explained , he looked like he was getting emotional . "Remember those memories you have of an older girl who I said was your sister ? The one with gorgeous brown hair ? Her name was Melanie , she wasn't your sister , she was someone I looked after ." 

Dylan quickly took the paper back and wrote some more , this time faster and more untidy than before "She was the one with white hair ? The Melanie I just killed ? ." 

"You killed one of my best pawns , you are worthy to be called my son ." Logan poured himself more coffee . "Want more ? Oh wait you can't taste it , damn and I went through the trouble of making it ." He shook his head in disappointment like he expected much more from his son . As Dylan reached for more paper , Logan snatched it away . "No my boy ." he stood and held his hand out . "Here's your tongue , I'll let you go for now . I want an answer in the next week , if I don't get one , I'll hurt your precious Cat ." Dylan was now furious , he took his tongue and walked away . He walked outside and it was already dark . He felt drained , he had to wait a little bit longer before using his magic again . Dylan sat on the ground and rested .

In the mean time , Lewis , Jen , Liz , Laura and Celine stood in the hospital room with Fin . They all stood in silence , Jen was trying to bring up the fact that Rowen was now dead . "Jen , what happened after I left ?" 

Jen looked away and began to rub her arm , she was nervous and scared . "We managed to defeat Melanie and Miss . Ellas ."

"Where's Rowen by the way ? I have a surprise for him ." Liz said excitedly holding a gift bag , trying to lighten the mood , she looked at Jen and Jen became more sad . 

"Liz , Rowen didn't make it ." Jen closed her eyes and turned around , she didn't want to see Liz's reaction , she never wanted anyone to get hurt . "I'm sorry , it's my fault ! I tried to save him , I really did ." 

"Jen it's okay , no ones blaming you ." Laura and Jen had broken up not too long ago but Laura still seemed to be there whenever Jen needed her . She hugged Jen tightly from behind , Jen covered her face and began sobbing . 


Liz dropped the gift bag "He's ..... dead ." she stared into the abyss for a little bit as she soaked in the terrifying and depressing news . "I need to be alone ." she walked out of the hospital room , she didn't want them to see how much she was suffering . "Why did you have to die ?" she whispered to herself as she began to mourn and cry over the loss of Rowen . She ran to the nearest girls bathroom to try calm herself , she didn't need to show them her tears . 

Liz walked back to the room , checking herself out in her little pocket mirror , she had to make sure it didn't look like she was crying . Everyone else began to leave the room and as they did Jen stopped Liz "You should talk to Fin , hes worried about you ." Liz's eyes widened , everyone else was leaving and right now she had to be brave and enter the room , just the two of them together , talking . It was sure to be alright . 

"Hey Fin , how you feeling ?" Liz entered smiling while asking him , he was the one in pain and in a hospital bed after all . 

"I'm fine , I'm more worried about you ." Fin stated , it was one of the very few times he actually admitted to being worried about someone else . He tried to keep his feelings private . 

"I'm fine ." Liz gave a fake smile , Fins' smile turned around , he looked sad and angry now . 

"Liz , I know you aren't okay . You don't need to hide your feelings ." Fin said , he was right on the mark , Liz looked into his eyes . 

"Why did he have to die ?" Liz asked and asked again , she hugged Fin , grabbed onto his shirt and she placed her head on his chest . Liz continued sobbing on Fins shirt . "You're so warm ." 

"I'll always be here for you ." Fin hesitated but he decided to rub her back up and down , it was said it helps to calm people down . "So there's no need to hide behind a smile ." 

"Dylan's here !" Jen said barging in . "His tongue got ripped off , and we now know the bosses goal and identity ."

A happy ending - Dylan's regretWhere stories live. Discover now