#2 Full Turn

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Brenda flung a torch at me, I caught it against my chest with ease, minus not being able to see a black torch in the dark.

Thomas caught his with a coughing splutter as he turned it on.

I clicked mine on as well, skimming the darkness we had found ourselves locked in.

"Why are you helping us?" Thomas asked after his coughing fit.

"Trust me," Brenda began before I cut in.

"Jorge seems to think you lot are our one way ticket to the Safe Haven." I said nonchalantly, swallowing deeply and grimacing at the dust flying around my face.

"The what?" Thomas grimaced, flickering his eyes at me.

"You know," Brenda replied, zipping and rummaging through her bag. "Paradise. Safe from the sun, free from infection. Supposedly the right arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes anyway."

Brenda pushed herself up to stand, Thomas and I then doing the same.

"And you know where that is?" Thomas asked.

"Nah," I answered, "but Jorge knows a guy, Marcus."

Brenda spotted a sewer plate and stumbled over to it, checking it out as she tossed the wooden pallet to the side.

"He used to smuggle kids up into the mountains. If Jorge made it out, that's where he would be taking your friends."

I went over the entrance and crouched down beside it, holding my torch between my teeth.

"If he made it out?"

"Hell," Brenda sighed, "you ask a lot of questions. Can you just come over here and help us with this?"

"Please?" I added.

Thomas wandered over, seeing no other choice but to lean down and pull the gate up Insync with the rest of us.

With a groan the lid was flipped and I took my torch from my teeth, shining it down the hole. Our lights combined and the entire sewer lit up below us. Deep from the tunnel came the most gut wrenching, mouth drying scream I had ever heard.
Thomas, with thoughts similar to mine, said "well, that doesn't sound good." In a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah," Brenda breathed out, "down here they'll be full turn."

"And they're ugly at the best of times." I inputted, earning a scoff from Thomas.

Brenda hesitated for a second before swinging her legs into the tunnel and pushing off. "Let's go."

Glancing up at Thomas as he gave a, 'you must be mental' kind of look, I too swung myself into the sewer with a smirk. A second passed and I left no time for him to think. "Come on then, Tommy boy."
With a silent groan and a eye roll, Thomas too landed at the bottom of the sewer.

As Thomas joined us, Brenda flung her torches light to a tunnel directly infront of us, beginning to make her way through the giant hole connecting the two sewers.

Glancing around, upon first glance this place looked deserted.

"I think it's this way." I lead the way, turning right. Thomas, still not on board with this plan, mumbled " you think?"

(Time skip brought to you by lazy author! UPDATE: LAZY AUTHOR IS ACTUALLY GOING TO WRITE THIS BIT! OMG)

Ignoring Thomas' disbelief, I shone the torch down to the right hand side and began following it. Brenda gave Thomas a look and he returned it, before they too followed after me.

We walked in silence for a moment, sticking next to eachother and making sure our lights covered different spots infront of us. Thomas seemed curious about this place, like he had never seen the likes of it before. It made me wonder what WCKD had him doing over there. Of course, I would be the last to know what WCKD was capable of having never even seen such a thing before. I knew, for one, they set out to find a cure against the flare and two, their methods were hated by the people. No one knew the extent of it but they knew enough to riot over their doings. Talks of change from rebel leaders and their promise to make things fair to those less fortunate, those forgotten by their government. They've been talking like this for years.

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