#4 Subject D-1

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It felt like hours but in honesty it was ten minutes at most. It just felt nice to talk about nothing important. No discussion of food runs or stock numbers, no how fucked up are you? Or yeah I too am fucked up. Minho started it, talking about all the things he'd do when he got to the new camp. Newt wanted to sleep in a proper bed, not one hanging from the ceiling or flat on the floor. That made me wonder if they've ever even seen a mattress before. Fry wanted to relax for once. Not have to worry about people or things or responsibilities. He just wanted quiet.

Truth is, I didn't know what I wanted. I suppose there was a time where a wife, a few kids, maybe a dog would've been my top option but as the flare got worse I set my expectations to zero and just never bothered to raise them again.

"I guess I just want to be happy." I shrug nonchalantly, shoving Minho's shoulder when he mocks me and shakes off vigorant laughs. I laugh along with them, it's been awhile since I've actually laughed, I forgotten what it felt like.

My laughter was cut short almost immediately by the slightest nudge of one of the smallest rocks just in view to the right of me. I observe it carefully, the vibrant smile fading from my face alone and then it does it again. It rattles against the floor so softly if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't even notice it.

Minho noticed it too, except he had heard something. Something in the distance that, yet again, if you weren't paying any attention you'd have no idea. "Hey, wait do you hear that?"

Instantly recognising the sound, I sprung to my feet and spun around watching the darkening sky closely in hopes of locating the noise.


I grimaced watching two dots of light turn into  helicopters as they come into view, I let out a shaky breath as the others slowly stood up with me. My heart sank in my chest, feeling it thump aggressively as it seems to regret ever opening again.

"We need to go." I stated, the panic hidden by a cool tone. "It's WCKD."

As the helicopters began to pass over us, I felt fight or flight kick in, stepping up and over the rock, I peered behind me to ensure the others were somewhat following me.

I skidded to a halt as soon as I reached the bottom, arms flinging up to stop the others as a large explosion roared up not too far from us. Close enough for the flames to reflect in my eyes. I onlook, awestruck as another vessel dives down and sends another explosion. This one closer than the last and it motivated me to move.

Within not even seconds, the once calm, happy camp, bustling with people getting ready to pack in for the night was now frantic. There were screams and gunfire. The people were running in panic stricken lines and it was difficult to stay together.
"Come on!" Minho yelled, rushing to take cover behind a set of large oil cans. We all followed suit, peeking over to survey the happenings.

I heard Vince's voice in the distance and I swung my head to it. Tapping Minho on the shoulder I pointed it out and he set off in his direction. Vince was stationed on top of a truck equipped with a machine gun and was readily reloading it.
Honestly, this place is awesome. A machine gun these days was like a canon back then.

Keeping low, we reached Vince and Harriet, Vince shoved a gun in Minho's hand, then began handing out what weapons he did have left. We took our weapons, covering Vince as he yelled orders at us.

I stood behind Minho who was given a shotgun, I think, it's too dark to see, and began to shoot as many of them as possible. Fry and Newt taking place the other side.

(Jorge & Brenda)

Brenda had yanked Thomas back as he tried to run into the tent she had been in, that was now set a blaze. She lead him back to where Jorge was, watching with anticipation as he spotted Sam, reloading his gun to then continue shooting. Deep down he knew he couldn't leave him, he would try to get the boy back if he anything happened to him. However, he also knew Sam was pretty damn good as holding his own.
He was sure Brenda felt the same.
"We have to go, now, while we still have the chance." Jorge stated, a sense of reluctance as he did so.

Sam // The Maze Runner : Scorch Trials-Death CureWhere stories live. Discover now