#3 Ride to the Right Arm

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I slowly began to open my eyes, adjusting to the light around me. I struggled to get up, to open them as I felt the throbbing in my head keep me down. It pounded hard and fast and I couldn't do anything to help it.

I had heard snippets of a conversation while I was out.
"You should rest." Said a familiar, unknown voice.

"I-it's fine. I have to look after him." Said another, much more airy and out of it then the first.

"Honestly." Said the first. "I can take over."

My brain continued to go over each and every word.
Still had no idea what they were on about.

I stirred awake, lifting my hand to wipe at my eyes.

"Ah." I heard a low deep gruff voice. Jorge's. "Sleeping beauty has awoken." Instantly I knew I wasn't in any danger so I took time in getting up.

I groaned, Shielding the light from my eyes. "Bugger off, old man." I chuckled at him. I went to sit up slowly, my head continued pounding and my vision lagged as I tried glancing around at my surrounding.

"Easy Hermano," he said, moving away. "You hit your head pretty hard."
Yeah I can feel that.

The group we had helped escape from WCKD were all standing around a chair or sitting on it. All apart from three.
Thomas, who was still passed out, Teresa who was holding a wet flannel to his head and sitting by his side and The tall blonde Newt.

Confused, I felt the mattress behind me raise.
Glancing around I saw Newt get up from the bed chucking a pillow and his own flannel to the side. Then he held a hand out to me. I swipe a few fingers across my forehead, realising it was damp and cold. Then gingerly bounce a glance between him and his outstretched hand.

I glance at Brenda, sitting on the sofa with an old blanket over her legs. The more I think about it, the more I recognise those voices from my haze. She must've wanted to make sure I was okay after being intoxicated like that, but with the effects of her own drink and the bite otherwise hidden from everyone else, she was probably struggling.

I look back slowly, seeing the haywire springs at the top of the bed and the pillow that I had my head on and was in Newt's crossed legs was set on top.

In reality they could've just moved my head so it wasn't at that end.

I shook my head, having grasped the situation and to rid the slight heat crawling up the back of my neck, I took Newt's hand and he pulled me up from the bed. His hand felt cold compared to mine. As I straightened myself out, trying not to let myself fall over.

Newt looked concerned for a moment, but I just blinked. Giving no other expression I just looked him up and down before slowly turning away from him.

I then steadily made my way around the chair to stand at the back of it, I massaged my mysteriously aching shoulder, it was a dull pain, but still there. Minho beside me, Aris on the chair and Newt settled on the arm of it, watching Jorge beat information out of the guy in the chair, it was the same guy who gave us admission.

Soon after I had woken up, so had Thomas. Hearing Teresa's soft words under the yelling of Jorge.

"I suggest that you talk! You son of a bitch!" Jorge yelled whacking Marcus across the face.

Marcus, however, completely content said; "I'm sorry, you're gonna have to leave my house."

"Looks like you've been having fun." Relied Newt turning to look at Thomas, who had just joined us.

I glanced at both of them, before turning back to Jorge and Marcus.

"Listen," Jorge started, "I don't enjoy hurting you." I crossed my arms, shifting from foot to foot and analysing the scene.

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