#9 Begining of the End, I Suppose

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(Trigger warning maybe?? I mean someone gets stabbed so.

I think yall know whats about to happen)

Thomas flinched as an explosion lit up his face. Scurrying behind the wall for protection, he watched as the fight broke out, guns and fired arms cross stitching from both sides of the war.

The five of us lay flat instantly against the ground. "Guys, we can't stay here. We gotta go!" I bellowed across the ruckus.
Gally agreed.
I pushed myself up and clambered to Newt's side, placing his arm back round my neck and Thomas doing the same. We pulled him up to his feet as we began to run through this war zone. Ducking through rubble explosions and blazing fires, Gally pointed out an alley way, we could use as a short cut to get back to the tunnel.
"Wait wait wait." He paused and straightened, looking around him like a gazelle looking for an escape from its predator, "we can get through this way."
He lead us down, before Thomas unhooked Newt's arm. Following his lead, I did so too, causing the rest to collapse to the floor. Thomas whipped out his walkie talkie, breathing heavily before yelling into it.
"Brenda you there?"

I sighed as my head rolled back to lean against the cold wall, closing my eyes I imagined peace. I blocked out the sound of guns richoeting and the jagged stones hitting the floor around me. The feeling of warmth against the side of my face as the fires roared or the blood running down my nose, no recognition of it being there in the first place or when it even started. I kept my hands on the polished floor beneath me.

I was brought back to the dreaded reality by a hand grabbing a fistful of fabric on my arm. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced down, Newt was looking at me with his pale face and dark, sunken eyes.
I felt cold warmth on my lip and I looked down. The blood dripped down and onto the floor in the gap between my legs. I had a small moment of panic, nothing dramatic before using my left hand to swipe at my nose. Now really wasn't the time to be dealing with this.
"Come on man." He said, " Time to go."
I shook my head and got up.
"Sorry. I..." I blinked a few times and held my hand out as Thomas took his position on the other side. "I'm sorry." I said again as he took it and I pulled him up along with Thomas. I wrapped his arm around my neck again and we took off.

"What's the plan?" I yelled to Thomas.

"Head to the perimeter of the tunnels, Brenda will meet us there." He informed.

I'd learned to not question Thomas, especially in situtations like this, so I followed the gunmen's lead.

We flew past the blazes as I held on tight to him. He had a change of target, for now, anyway. WCKD were too busy attacking the intruders to care about any of us anymore, but that didn't mean we were to be sleazy with the escape. Gally lead us through the maze of cars as we crossed the road, sometimes ducking to avoid any collisions. Gally glanced over the alley within seconds before heading down it, instantly recognising where we were and how far we were from the vicinity of the tunnels.
"Alright Newt, we're almost there."

"Just leave me." He groaned, weighing down in our arms. I winced at his words and cringed as I tried shifting his weight.

Before we could argue, a car adorned in orange sparks flew past with great speed, this idled us as we fell to the ground.

"Get back, back."

No one could say anything more as we watched the canvas splat with orange and red, people running away from others as more explosions hit.

I gripped the wall beside me as my head jerked up at the noise, as did the others. Fuck, my body ached.
We watched the berg, a beacon of hope it seems, closely as it passed over our heads and over to an empty patch in the war zone.

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