#6 The Runnaways.

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Thomas then gathered Vince and a few others, Frypan, Newt and Brenda, to propose a plan.

Meanwhile, I was shown to a place where I could rest. There was just a room of hammocks hanging from all sorts of things. Jorge told me that he'd set a hammock up for me weeks ago just waiting for my return. Which I thought was nice of him. Sentimental, for a man like him, but nice.

As soon as he left, I made myself comfortable on the hammock, leaning back and just staring at the ceiling. Maybe just imagining it was something better, less dull.

As my recent sleep pattern hadn't really consisted of many hours, I had just stared at the roof waiting for my brain to drive me insane, insane enough to sleep.
After about an hour and a bit of just plain staring, in my head daydreaming, I had finally involuntarily slipped into sleep.

I was suddenly sitting at a table. Large and rectangle, made of wood. The nice kind you would find in a well off family home.

I wasn't alone. There was three other people at the table. A man, fairly young, mid thirties maybe, and a woman probably the same age. Then there was a high chair with a young girl sat in it.

I looked around the group for a second before slowly standing up, not taking my eyes off the scene. Taking a glance at the seat I had just moved from, there sat a young boy with flaming red hair. That's the first thing most people noticed about him, his hair. He was giggling and laughing.

I kept my eyes on the boy before movement caught my attention. The man wiped at his mouth sourly with a napkin before getting up and leaving with no words. All the eyes were on the door the man had left.

Shutting my eyes instinctively, I tightened my hands into fists.

When I re-opened them all I could distinguish was, well nothing. Everything was black. Until I felt my stomach drop. As if being tied to an anchor.

I began falling, screaming and bellowing into the nothingness. Silent pleas for it to stop. My limbs were flying everywhere as I tried to steady myself and stop spinning around.

This went on for what seemed like forever but was in reality only a few seconds. When abrubtly, I felt my body hit something. The floor? An unfamilar sensation echoed across my back, then through my arms and legs, finally it ended with my head.

I just lay there, heaving as I stared, glassy eyed at the ceiling.

My body jolted forward with trepidation. Noticing it was dark and everyone had gone to sleep, which included both Brenda and Jorge who were a few beds down. It forced me to calm down, lower my breaths.

Sighing and rubbing my eyes, I went to swing my legs over the egde of the hammock and stand up. Then went to find water.

This is when I overheard the sound of an engine rearing off into the distance. Watercup in hand, I went to investigate where the revving was coming from. Peeking around the corner of a doorway that had a set of stairs leading up, I took in everything of the scene.

Who ever was here had left a lamp still on, on the side and the truck that had usually been parked right there was gone, nothing.

Just imprints of where it was headed.

Leaving the scene, I didn't want to leave the investigation here, so I decided to just, figure out who left. So heading back to the hammock maze, I went to see who's beds where missing.

There were only three empty hammocks, not including mine. They made me think who would've slept there, but as my knowledge is lacking, I went over to nudge Brenda.

Sam // The Maze Runner : Scorch Trials-Death CureWhere stories live. Discover now