#8 Teresa's choice.

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By the time we had gone back in, Thomas had already gone to the Last City with Gally in preparation to 'fetch' Teresa later on that night.
Meanwhile the rest of us sat around, sometimes talking sometimes it fell into an aray of different silences, until we began getting ready ourselves. We set out a bunch of WCKD guard uniforms and boots and such. Brenda had thrown a bunch of helmets in the middle of a table. I set up more candles and relit any that had gone out. Jorge had filled me in on the plan as I did so.

Soon enough Gally and Thomas returned with Teresa, whose head had a bag thrown over it.

We had gathered seats around a table, some thought it better to stand, me, then Gally perched on the table.

Newt did the honor of pulling the bag off Teresa's head. She pushed her hair back apprehensively as her eyes followed Newt. Her eyes widen, however, when they landed on Gally.

"Gally?" She immediately said.

"Here's how this is going to go." He said, disregarding her questioning tone. "We're going to ask you some questions, and you're going to tell us exactly what we need to know."

He got up from the table, uncrossing his arms to grab the back of a chair and pull it infront of Teresa.
"We'll start off simple. Where's Minho?"

"You guys don't seriously think..." Teresa would glance at Thomas, who had his mean face on, every so often.

Gally suddenly slammed the chair infront of her, gaining her full attention as he sat backwards on it.

"Don't look at him. Why you looking at him? Look at me."


"He's not going to help you."

Teresa sighed quietly, giving in.

"Now we know you have Minho in the building. Where?"

Teresa's gaze fell to the floor in shame. "He's with the others in holding. Sublevel three."

"How many others?" Newt asked, jutting his chin.

"28." She replied.

Gally glanced back at Brenda who was sat at another table, playing with a stack of cards. Jorge sat himself down opposite her.

"No you guys don't understand. The whole levels restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID." It was like she wanted us to look stupid.

Thomas quickly answered back, disproving her theory as he leant his elbows on his knees and connected his hands. "That's why you're going to come with us."

"Well, I don't know." Gally said getting up and going over to the table to pick up a scalpel. "We don't necessarily need her. Right? Not all of her. We just need her finger."

"Gally back off." Thomas warned.

"What? You squeamish? I guarantee she's done alot worse to Minho."

"That's not the plan." Thomas said, standing to take the scalpel off Gally. "Back off."

"Wont make a difference. Do whatever you want to me. You still wont get to the front door. The sensors will pick you up..."
But Thomas interrupted,

"We know. We're tagged." Thomas went to kneel by Teresa. "Property of WCKD. You're going to help us with that too." He said, holding up the scalpel.

We all took our turns to get the sensors removed from the back of our necks. It seemed everyone else was civil with her, or atleast quiet and gave no reaction. To be honest, I dreaded my turn and all I got was pity looks from Jorge and Brenda.

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